Academyc Year 2020/2021

L-12 - Classe delle lauree in Mediazione linguistica
Place of teaching: Como - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

Year: 2

Year: 3

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

Il corso prepara alla professione di (codifiche ISTAT): testo - inglese: 
  • Corrispondenti in lingue estere e professioni assimilate -
Making Judgements: 

Graduates in Science and Intercultural Mediation Interlinguistics must show that they have acquired independent judgment on issues of their field of study, resulting in the possibility of good into the world of work and the professions. In particular must demonstrate:

- Ability to describe and interpret on the basis of the four language skills, journalistic texts, literary and specialized;
- Ability to identify and reframe the issues in detail and to propose innovative solutions and autonomous;
- Ability to address areas of work and different themes, as well as to find and evaluate data and information sources linguistic-cultural, historical, legal and economic.

Judgement will be evaluated, as well as in the final exams of each course, even in performing the work placement and in the drafting of the final, for which priority will be given, wherever possible, to work out applied / experimental than classic works.

Communication skills: 

Graduates of the course will get a constructive relationship with their counterparts in Italian and foreign, taking into account the diversity of cultural and linguistic backgrounds, modulating his speech, tailoring it to the specific needs. They will also be able to argue and communicate in foreign languages ​​under study, ideas, problems and solutions, both to an audience of specialists unskilled.
In particular must demonstrate:
- Ability to communicate, orally and in writing, on the basis of text types ( journalistic texts, literary specialist), information , ideas, problems and / or difficulties in specialist and non;
- Ability to interact as interlinguistic and intercultural mediators in the languages ​​being studied;
- Ability to interact with others and to conduct collaborative activities.

Learning skills: 

Graduates will finally have developed the knowledge and learning skills necessary to undertake further studies or further cultural and professional training with embedded intelligence data. In particular must demonstrate:
- Have acquired a method of study, ability to work to targets, and ability to work independently and in groups;
- Have acquired and developed the language skills appropriate for further study.

The final exam consists of :
( i) the presentation of a short dissertation or written in Italian or in one of the languages ​​under study . If the student opts to write the thesis in Italian , this must be accompanied by a summary in one of the languages ​​under study .
( ii ) asset training different from that / those that have already been recognized credits . The student must submit a brief written report on its activities , countersigned by the tutor of the institution or company from whom you completed an internship .
For both types of final examination is expected to be discussed in front of a commission .