- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The course has no specific prerequisites
The mode of the exam will be written, unless there are complications due to the Covid-19 pandemic (in which case it will become oral (to be taken on Microsoft Teams). The test will consist of five open questions (for a total of 30 points) on the topics of the course. The evaluation criteria of the answers will take into account the correct use of technical terminology, the ability to clearly present and illustrate the knowledge acquired with accuracy, showing deep understanding of the topic.
The main objective of the course is to provide the fundamentals of second language (L2) and/or foreign language (LS) teaching, introducing the knowledge and skills, both theoretical and practical, necessary for teaching an L2 or LS, as well as the processes and variables that govern language learning.
The course will be structured as follows. After an overview of the historical and epistemological framework of applied linguistics, the notions of language acquisition and learning will be discussed (giving account of the main theoretical approaches to language acquisition). The course will also provide elements of educational linguistics, covering issues related to teaching different language levels (from phonetics and phonology to grammar, lexicon and pragmatics). Finally, approaches, methods and techniques for teaching will be presented, together with the most recent teaching resources and techniques for testing and evaluating language skills.
The expected outcomes will mainly concern the knowledge of theoretical models of language acquisition and learning, as well as the ability to address, also on a practical level, the linguistic specificities required with learners who are not Italian native speakers.
- What is applied linguistics: historical-epistemological picture
- Acquisition and learning: theoretical approaches to L1 acquisition and L2 learning
- Developmental stages of learners’ varieties
- The concept of interlanguage and error analysis
- Didactics of the phonetic-phonological level
- Teaching grammar, vocabulary, semantics and pragmatics
- Approaches, methods and techniques for teaching L2s
- Language testing and evaluation
Chini, Marina / Bosisio, Cristina (eds.) (2014). Fondamenti di glottodidattica. Apprendere e insegnare le lingue oggi. Roma, Carocci.
Andorno, Cecilia / Bosc, Franca / Ribotta, Pala (2003). Grammatica. Insegnarla e impararla. Perugia, Guerra Edizioni.
Students who are not attending classes should also read the following texts:
Pugliese, Rosa (2017). “Come si impara una lingua straniera”, in N. Grandi, F. Masini (a cura di), Tutto ciò che hai sempre voluto sapere sul linguaggio e sulle lingue. Cesena, Caissa, pp. 77-80.
Balboni, Paolo E. (2015). Le sfide di Babele: insegnare le lingue nelle società complesse. IV ed., Torino, UTET [Capitolo 7 “L’organizzazione del materiale didattico”; Capitolo 8 “Lo sviluppo delle abilità”].
Andorno, Cecilia (2009). “Grammatica e acquisizione dell’italiano L2”, in Italiano LinguaDue 1/2009, pp. 1-15
The course takes place in the first semester and counts 36 hours. Approximately 10 hours of discussion, practice, and debate are scheduled during the lecture hours.
To make an appointment please write to