Picture of Enrico Caruso


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Dr Enrico Caruso was born in Luino (Italy) in 1974. He graduated in Chemistry in 1998 (110/110) at the University of Milan - UNIMI (Italy) with a thesis entitled “New strategy of stereoselective synthesis: Michael addition of cyclic and acyclic enone of carbenic complexes with C2 symmetry amines” under the supervision of Prof. Stefano Maiorana. In 2000, at the Politecnico of Milan, he completed his Specialization School in Organic Synthesis with a thesis entitled “Selective synthesis of D-aminoacides and their derivatives” under the supervision of Prof. Stefano Servi.

In 2000 he started to work at the University of Insubria of Varese in collaboration with Prof. Stefano Banfi; later, in the same structure, he obtained a research fellowship (equivalent to a post-doctoral fellowship) until December 2004. In December 2004 he became Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry (CHIM06) at the University of Insubria of Varese (Italy).

His research activity takes place at the Department of Structural and Functional Biology new become Department of Theoretical and Applied Science at the Organic Chemistry Research Unit and it is oriented to:

- synthesis of new molecules with photodynamic activity suitable for the application on cancer cells or against bacteria;

- extraction of substance with antibacterial and antitumor activity from subtropical African plants;

- nanosized formulations for drug delivery;

- chemical analysis of hydroxylated BTEX obtained by microbial biotransformation;

- test in vitro of antiproliferative effects of photosensitizers on tumor cell lineages.

He is the author and co-author of 19 publications in international scientific journals, and he presented over 40 scientific contributions to national and international congresses in the field of photodynamic therapy, microbiology and biocatalysis.

Since his graduation he supervised students, first level and second level Degree in Biological Sciences, for the realization of theses in collaboration with pharmacology and microbiology research units at University of Insubria. He took also part in teaching activities with seminars for the Organic Chemistry and lectures for the Analytical Chemistry. Since 2003 he officially worked at the University of Insubria (Varese) as a contract professor for the courses “Laboratory of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry”, “Organic Chemistry”, “Analytical Chemistry” and some seminars addressing the methods for the extraction of natural compounds in the course of Pharmaceutical Botany, for the students of the first level Degree (bachelor) in: Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, and Engineering applied to health and environment.

Dr. Caruso is involved in two national research projects (PRIN 2002 and 2007) and Telethon 2015

Since 2002 to 2004 he was a member of the Italian Chemistry Society (SCI) and since 2010 is a member of a Italian Photobiology Society as secretariat.