Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in BIOTECHNOLOGY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (16 hours)

the student must have clear the concepts of molecular bonds, molecular weight, functional groups and polarity of the molecules, concepts provided in the previous courses of general and inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry

The verification method includes a written exam with open questions concerning the topics covered in the chromatography module.

Voto Finale

The main aim of the course is to provide students with the skills to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis according to codified procedures, using the most common instrumental techniques. The main skills acquired will be:
• To know the principles, the instrumentation of the most common spectroscopic techniques to perform qualitative and quantitative analyzes;
• To know the chromatographic separation techniques and the different chromatographic retention mechanisms;
• To know the instrumentation for gas chromatography and for liquid chromatography;
• To know the principles of nuclear spectroscopy techniques and know how to analyze spectra related to this technique;
• To know the quality control standards for the validation of a method.

The chromatography module will treat the various chromatographic separations (from the TLC to the HPLC) taking into consideration the properties of each technique, considering the advantages and the possible limits.
The theory will be presented of each technique to obtain the most effective answers, then the evaluation of the method's efficiency and the indications on how to modify the analysis conditions to improve the resolution, therefore the recognition of the components of a mixture. In some cases, the possibility of a quantitative analysis will be taken into consideration.

C) Chromatographic purification and analysis techniques
- Principles of chromatography. Stationary phases and mobile phases: adsorption chromatography on thin surface (TLC) and on column (particles size, eluents and methods to highlight the compounds present)
- Distribution chromatography, exclusion, ion exchange and affinity
- Gas chromatography. Parts of the instrument. Injector, column (oven), detector, Gas carrier
- Structural specifications of the stationary phases used
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis; parameters that can influence an analysis
- Analysis with GC-MS instrument
- Examples of separation of complex mixtures
- High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Parts of the instrument: injector, column, detector and eluent. Characteristics of the direct and inverse stationary phases and related eluents commonly used
- Theory of UV-vis spectroscopy and fluorescence for the determination of substances

C) Chromatographic purification and analysis techniques
- Principles of chromatography. Stationary phases and mobile phases: adsorption chromatography on thin surface (TLC) and on column (particles size, eluents and methods to highlight the compounds present)
- Distribution chromatography, exclusion, ion exchange and affinity
- Gas chromatography. Parts of the instrument. Injector, column (oven), detector, Gas carrier
- Structural specifications of the stationary phases used
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis; parameters that can influence an analysis
- Analysis with GC-MS instrument
- Examples of separation of complex mixtures
- High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Parts of the instrument: injector, column, detector and eluent. Characteristics of the direct and inverse stationary phases and related eluents commonly used
- Theory of UV-vis spectroscopy and fluorescence for the determination of substances

The course will be held head-on with the help of slides and with the indication of specific texts or specific scientific articles on the subject. At the end of the course the students will see an example of separation with GC, associated with a mass spectrometry detector (mass spectrometry is the object of another module of the course), and a separation of a mixture of organic compounds by means of HPLC, associated to a Uv-vis detector.

Tutorials are given following appointment by mail.