Academyc Year 2020/2021
First cycle degree in BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES

L-13 - Class Of The Degrees In Biological Sciences
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: ORLANDI VIVIANA TERESA

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

Il corso prepara alla professione di (codifiche ISTAT): testo - inglese: 
  • Tecnici di laboratorio biochimico -
  • Tecnici dei prodotti alimentari -

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

The Study Program stimulates independent judgment of various aspects such as teaching evaluation, laboratory safety, interpretation of experimental data, ethical, economic, social and environmental issues relating to the life sciences. The tools used for this purpose are targeted lessons, participation in seminars and laboratory activities both for teaching and for internships of which the drafting and discussion of the paper for the final exam is a clear example.

Communication skills: 

Property of language, clarity and synthesis in presentation are essential for effective communication of one's projects/results both in the scientific/professional and popular fields. The main tools that the Biological Sciences course uses to improve these aspects are represented by the traditional learning verification activities (written and oral tests), as well as the preparation of reports (individual or group) on the teaching laboratory activities, and the preparation and discussion of the paper for the final exam. During the internship, the student must refer to the international scientific literature, thus improving their communication skills also in the English language.

Learning skills: 

Biological studies are a stimulus to develop learning skills in a multidisciplinary way. The methods that the course of Biological Sciences uses to train a graduate with flexible and versatile learning skills are represented by the teachings (in particular the curricular ones) which use tools such as the consultation of specialized databases, including those of scientific literature, for the continuous updating of knowledge.
The Degree Course evaluates the student's learning ability throughout the educational path, including the internship, by means of verification tests and the preparation of the paper for the final exam.

La prova finale consiste nella presentazione e discussione di un elaborato preparato dallo studente e relativo o all'attività di tirocinio formativo interno o stage esterno, o derivante da una analisi ed elaborazione, coerente e personale, di fonti bibliografiche riguardanti un argomento attinente il corso di studio. Sono attribuiti 4 CFU alla prova finale e 8 CFU all'attività del tironcio formativo o alla relazione di tipo bibliografico.
La proposta di tirocinio e i temi della relazione di tipo bibliografico sono soggetti ad approvazione del Consiglio di Corso, che valuta la coerenza e l'adeguatezza con gli obiettivi specifici del corso di laurea. Le modalità per il superamento della prova finale vengono dettagliate nel Regolamento Didattico del Corso. La prova finale è valutata da un'apposita commissione.