Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria

Academyc Year 2020/2021
Long single cycle degree (6 years) in Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria

LM-46 - Dentistry And Orthodontics
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: TETTAMANTI LUCIA

Year: 1

Year: 2

Year: 3

Year: 4

Year: 5

Year: 6

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

Il corso prepara alla professione di (codifiche ISTAT): testo - inglese: 
  • Dentisti e odontostomatologi -
Making Judgements: 

Graduates will possess the following skills: - The ability to independently set up and create treatment programmes aimed at treating and rehabilitating the stomatognathic system. – Be able to recognise their limits in helping the patient and recognise the need to refer to the patient to others for medical treatment. – Be able to independently manage dental treatment of the patient. – Be able to assess the effectiveness of the treatment plan, performed interventions and obtained results, having followed an academic programme characterised by a holistic approach to oral health problems. Independent judgement is encouraged in students by reading scientific articles and writing scientific projects.

Communication skills: 

Graduates will possess the following skills: - An intermediate knowledge of English necessary for consulting scientific texts and journals. - They will be able to effectively communicate with patients and educate the patients on appropriate and effective oral hygiene techniques and provide them with adequate information, based on knowledge accepted by the scientific community, in order to obtain informed consent for treatment. - They know how to develop an interdisciplinary type approach to the clinical case, including and above all in collaboration with other figures of the healthcare team, examining the knowledge of rules and dynamics which characterise the teamwork of healthcare operators. Communication skills shall be particularly developed during thesis work. In this regard the presentation of the thesis is critical, which shall be performed using multimedia instruments before a specific degree examination commission.

Learning skills: 

Graduates will possess the following skills: - The ability to consult databases in order to acquire scientific documentation and analyse scientific literature by applying research results to treatment in a reliable manner. – They shall be able to correctly interpret legislation concerning the practice of dentistry in an EU country where the dentist practices and provide care in line with the medical, legal and ethical standards in effect in the country where they practice. Learning abilities shall be assessed during academic activities, by penetrating the knowledge acquired during the course of specific activity with that achieved through personal study, assessing the critical contribution demonstrated during exercises, seminars and clinical work experience, as well as by assessing the independent learning skills achieved during performance of the activities related to the final examination.

Per il conseguimento della laurea magistrale è prevista la presentazione di una tesi sperimentale elaborata in modo originale dallo studente sotto la guida di un relatore oppure di alcuni elaborati brevi. Tutta la commissione di laurea agisce da controrelatore durante la discussione della tesi sperimentale. La tesi potrà essere redatta anche in una lingua straniera preventivamente concordata. Il regolamento di tesi del Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria dell'Università di Siena prevede una quantificazione del voto finale in base alla media dei voti riportata, al numero di lodi conseguite, al numero di esami falliti, alle esperienze all'estero (tipo Erasmus), alla possibilità del candidato di laurearsi in pari oppure in uno o più anni, al tipo di tesi di laurea.