Professore Ordinario
Orario di ricevimento:

Foreign and Erasmus Students

If you have any question about lessons or about your Learning agreement, don’t hesitate to contact me by mail. 

031 238 4378

1988 Law Graduation from Milan State University

(1988-1989) one year internship (stage) at the European Commission in Brussel (DG XX Financial Control).

1989 -1992 PhD in Comparative Public Law from Milan State University (Prof. Giovanni Bognetti).

1989 -1992 Diplôme de Droit Comparé,  Faculté internationale de Droit Comparé Université Robert Schuman,Strasbourg: 

1993-1995 Post-Doctoral Study in Comparative Public Law from Milan State University.

1995/2001 Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) at the Faculty of Law, Insubria University, Como

2001-2016 Associate Professor at the Law Department (Diritto Economia e Culture DEC), Insubria University Como.

2017-today Full Professor at the Law Department (Diritto Economia e Culture DEC), Insubria University Como.

Since 1991 Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte) of “Introduction to Italian Public Law” (Einführung in das italienische öffentliche Recht)” at the Regensburg University, Germany.

Since 2011 Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte) of “Italian for Law Students” (Italienisch für Juristen)” at the Regensburg University, Germany.

Since 1995 Erasmus Projects Coordinator (Law Department)

Member of the PhD Committee of Law Faculty, Insubria University, Como

Member of the Editorial Committee of the Comparative Law Journal "Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo".


She has been invited to speak at various International Conferences, Regensburg University (Germany), Moscow Lomonosov University, Complutense University of Madrid, Alba Iulia  University, Sibiu University, Pitesti University (Romania), University of  Gdansk, Rzeskow, Zielona Gora, Torun (Poland), Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius (Lithuania), Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova, World Law Congress 2021, Barranquilla (Colombia) and World Law Congress 2023, New York.


Academic Year: 2022/2023

Academic Year: 2021/2022

Academic Year: 2020/2021

Academic Year: 2019/2020

Academic Year: 2018/2019

Academic Year: 2017/2018

Academic Year: 2016/2017