CHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISK TO HUMAN HEALTH - Human Exposure Assessment Form to risk agents

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

Students must have passed the exam “CHIMICA GENERALE E ORGANICA” (propaedeutic) before the exams of the two modules of the course.
Basics of mathematics, physics, organic and inorganic chemistry, biology are also suggested. English reading comprehension may be useful.

Oral exam related to the content of the teaching material provided on the e-learning platform. To pass the test the student should demonstrate adequate knowledge of the topics covered by the course and the ability to properly master this knowledge. The terminological correctness and the skill to propose a correct methodological approach for assessing risk and impacts in hypothetical scenarios (living and working environments) will be positively evaluated.

More in detail, the assessment of knowledge and skills gained during the course will be verified through an oral test lasting about 30 minutes. The oral exam is aimed at ascertaining: 1) the ability to fully present a topic (or part of a topic) covered in the course; 2) the ability to respond concisely and precisely to a specific request; 3) the ability to use the knowledge and skills acquired in order to analyse problems explicitly addressed in the course and propose appropriate methodologies for their resolution.
In the case of more than 9 students, the exam will be written, based on 6 questions and a score of 0-5 points will be assigned to each question.

Voto Finale

The course aims at supplying knowledge related to:
• the main characteristics of the environmental compartments
• the main aspects of contamination by chemical compounds in the various environmental compartments and the main organic and inorganic pollutants
• intervention strategies for specific environmental problems
The course aims at supplying the basics of hygiene and prevention at workplace and in other environments based on the risk assessment paradigm. The concepts of hazard, exposure, susceptibility, risk, outcome, prevention, protection will be explored.
The course is designed to provide an understanding of the following topics:
- hazard assessment (main chemical and physical properties, main health effects) for some key chemical, physical and biological agents;
- methodological approaches and strategies for exposure assessment for risk assessment purposes;
- the basic concepts lying behind chemical, physical and biological risk assessment and risk management aimed at protecting human health at workplace and in other environments.
Furthermore, the course is intended to provide a broad perspective of safety and prevention, ranging from the regulatory framework to the theoretical and practical aspects of risk assessment for the protection of human health and environment.
At the end of the course the student must demonstrate the following skills
• ability to describe clearly and extensively the main aspects of contamination by chemical compounds in the various environmental compartments.
• ability to list the different environmental issues and the best strategies to address them.
The student must also develop a conscious autonomy of judgment with reference to the evaluation and interpretation of chemical pollution problems also in relation to multidisciplinary areas that include eco-toxicological assessments and related to risk deriving from exposure phenomena.

Fundamental concepts (hazard, risk, exposure, prevention, protection)
- The risk assessment paradigm
- Quantitative approaches for human exposure assessment
- The National regulatory framework for the protection of human health
- Chemical risk factors
- Dermal exposure assessment
- Chemical exposure modelling: basic principles

Physical risks (noise, ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, microclimate, vibrations)
- Biological risk
- Occupational risk management
- Environment and health (indoor air quality, urban air pollution, industrial emissions).

Fundamental concepts
- Hazard, risk, exposure and health effects
- Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
- The risk assessment paradigm
- Quantitative approaches for human exposure assessment (environmental monitoring, biological monitoring, exposure modelling).
- The National regulatory framework for the protection of human health

Chemical risk
- classification of risk factors, exposure assessment for chemicals, occupational exposure limits and threshold limit values.
- dermal exposure assessment
- gases and vapours, aerosols and fibres (asbestos)
- basic principles of sampling
- chemical exposure modelling: basic principles

Physical risk
- noise, ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, microclimate, vibrations

Biological risk.

Occupational risk management.

Environment and health, focus on:
- Indoor air quality (IAQ).
- Atmospheric pollution: impacts on human health.
- Industrial air emissions.

Frontal lectures (slides in Italian) and use of the videoconference technology. Some relevant issues can be specifically discussed, possibly using the e-learning platform.

Students can ask for clarifications after each lesson. The lecturer is available by appointment (to be contacted by e-mail). The Office is located at the -1 floor, Via Valleggio 11, Como.