Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Students must have passed the exam “CHIMICA GENERALE E ORGANICA” (propaedeutic) before the exams of the two modules of the course.
Basics of mathematics, physics, biology are also suggested. English reading comprehension may be useful.

Final Examination: 

•Environmental Chemistry Module:
The evaluation consists of a written test, with quiz and open questions.
The evaluation of the exam is expressed in marks out of thirty (the exam is passed when the evaluation 18/30 is reached). The evaluation will consider the overall performance of the test and in particular the following criteria:
-Relevance and correctness of the answers.
-Ability to present, argue and synthesize the different topics and address them using an appropriate language
-Ability to recognize and find solutions for environmentally relevant issues addressed in the course.
The study based on the slides proposed in the lesson must necessarily be accompanied by the consultation of the reference texts.

• Exposure assessment of chemical, physical and biological hazards Module:

Oral exam related to the content of the teaching material provided on the e-learning platform. To pass the test the student should demonstrate adequate knowledge of the topics covered by the course and the ability to properly master this knowledge. The terminological correctness and the skill to propose a correct methodological approach for assessing risk and impacts in hypothetical scenarios (living and working environments) will be positively evaluated.

More in detail, the assessment of knowledge and skills gained during the course will be verified through an oral test lasting about 30 minutes. The oral exam is aimed at ascertaining: 1) the ability to fully present a topic (or part of a topic) covered in the course; 2) the ability to respond concisely and precisely to a specific request; 3) the ability to use the knowledge and skills acquired in order to analyse problems explicitly addressed in the course and propose appropriate methodologies for their resolution.
In the case of more than 9 students, the exam will be written, based on 6 questions and a score of 0-5 points will be assigned to each question.

The total evaluation will be composed by an equal proportion (50%/50%) of the scores obtained for the two modules, eventually rounded up to the next higher integer.

Voto Finale

The main objective of the course is to provide a solid preparation for understanding the main chemical processes taking place in the environment and the phenomena resulting from man-made alteration of bio-geo-chemical processes and, contrariwise, the risks that environmental contaminants (primarily chemicals but also physical and biological factors)
a broad perspective of risk assessment of risk agents for the protection of human health and the environment.

At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
-Know and understand the main characteristics of the environmental media
-Know and understand the main aspects of chemical contamination in different environmental media and the main organic and inorganic pollutants
-Know and understand the appropriate remediation strategies for specific environmental issues
-Demonstrate autonomy of judgment in the assessment of issues related to chemical pollution using a multidisciplinary approach
The course is also intended to provide an understanding of the following topics:
- hazard assessment (main chemical and physical properties, main health effects) for some key chemical, physical and biological agents;
- methodological approaches and strategies for exposure assessment for risk assessment purposes;
- the basic concepts lying behind chemical, physical and biological risk assessment and risk management aimed at protecting human health at workplace and in other environments.