The student must have passed all the exams and qualifications required for the previous year. To take the final exam in Clinical Nursing and Health Education, there are no prerequisites but to understand the topics covered in the course, knowledge of General Nursing 1 and Nursing Methodology 1is required.
The evaluation of the course will be expressed with a mark out of thirty and is divided into a written test and, if positive, an oral test. On the final evaluation both tests have a weight of 50%.
The written test is unique for the three modules; it is considered passed with a minimum score of 18/30. It consists of 30 questions divided as a percentage of the teaching hours of the three modules to be answered in 50 minutes (multiple choice and short answer open questions); Passing the written test allows access to the oral test.
The oral exam requires knowledge of the entire teaching program; the teachers will take into account the student's ability to critically discuss, argue and make connections between the different aspects covered in the three modules.
Within Course of Studies in Nursing, objective of this teaching is to make the student acquire the professional skills of a general nursing nurse with particular reference to the development of the ability to use the international language ICNP® (International Classification of Nursing Practice) having as a reference the Human Processes Care Model (MAPU, 2018), methods and tools of Nursing Sciences to promote health and well-being, prevent disease, promote the healing process and alleviate suffering towards people , families and the community.
This course is divided in three differen moduli:
1. Clinical Nursing - 4 CFU
2. General Nursing 2 - 1 CFU
3. Nursing methodology 2 - 2 CFU
At the end of the course the student is able to:
1. Make decisions and solve problems in nursing care using the nursing disciplinary method
2. Develop a MAPU-oriented nursing care plan (2018) and using ICNP® terminology
3. Learn to recognize the nursing diagnoses that occur in care situations related to the most frequent priority health problems of the population.
4. Identify nursing diagnoses, define outcomes and plan interventions taking into account: standards, efficacy tests, guidelines for the best clinical practice and professional ethics.
5. Transmitting information, documenting and evaluating the various phases and results of the entire care process by collaborating and involving other health figures and the person being cared for.
6. Establish and maintain the transpersonal care relationship in accordance with the principles and values of the person and the professional.
7. Recognize care situations that require the formulation of judgments in accordance with professional principles, values and norms
8. Reflect on current legislation in the area of professional responsibility and act on one's role.
9. Know the roles and profiles of health, social and socio-health figures to encourage multidisciplinary and multi-professional activity in the hospital and local area.
10. Know the current legislation on the safety of care and the assisted person and the contribution of the nurse in reading and developing good practices.
11. Know the organizational models in order to use their personal and professional resources to ensure quality assistance. Be able to identify those aimed at hospital-territory continuity of care in relation to chronicity.
12. Know methods and tools to analyze and manage clinical risk in order to create and maintain a safe environment for the person, the family, the community, oneself and the other members of the work group.
13. Identify information and education opportunities for individuals, families and the community to promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles.
14. Use health education methods and tools appropriate to the needs and characteristics of individuals and groups and evaluate their results.
Credits: 4
Credits: 1
Credits: 2