Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Ore minime di frequenza: 
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (60 hours)
Voto Finale

Clinical reasoning in the nursing care process.
The phases of the nursing care process guided by MAPU (2018) and the international language ICNP®. The care risk and the altered functionality. Deepening of some of the most frequent nursing diagnoses in the population: risk of infection, fever, dehydration, edema, alteration of gas exchange, alteration of nutritional status, negative emotions.
The characteristics of information to plan nursing care, to protect privacy, to ensure safety and continuity of care (in-depth study of laws and regulations; SBAR, use of technology, services available).
The importance of EBP for nursing practice. Guidelines, PDTAs, procedures and protocols: features and their use.
Recall to the meaning of professional responsibility in planning and providing assistance.
Deontological aspects in care planning: the concepts of accountability, advocacy, caring and cooperation.

Alberio M., Ausili D., Baccin G., Bezze S., Bompan A., Di Mauro S., Sironi C., (2018) L’impiego dell’ICNP® con il Modello assistenziale dei processi umani: un quadro teorico per l’assistenza infermieristica di fronte alla sfida della complessità.
Benner P. (2003) L’eccellenza nella pratica clinica dell’infermiere. Milano: McGraw-Hill
Berman A., Snyder S.J., Frandsen G. (2016) Fondamenti di assistenza infermieristica secondo Kozier ed Erb. Concetti, procedure e pratica. Padova: Piccin
Chiari P., Mosci D., Naldi E. (2011) Evidence- Based Clinical Practice. La pratica clinico-assistenziale basata su prove di efficacia. Milano: McGraw-Hill
Craven R., Constance H., Jensen S. (2017) Principi fondamentali dell’assistenza infermieristica. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Hincliff S.M., Montague S.E., Watson R., (2004) Fisiologia per la pratica infermieristica. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Lunney M. (2010) Il pensiero critico nell’assistenza infermieristica. Casi clinici con NANDA-I, NOC e NIC. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Quigley B.H., Palm M.L., Bickley L. (2017) Valutazione per l’assistenza infermieristica. Esame fisico e storia della persona assistita. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Sironi, Baccin (2006) Procedure per l’assistenza infermieristica. Milano: Masson.
Sironi (2010) Introduzione alla ricerca infermieristica. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Smeltzer S., Bare B., Hinkle J., Cheever K. (2010) Infermieristica medico-chirurgica. Milano: CEA
Wilkinson J.M. (2003). Processo infermieristico e pensiero critico. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Wilkinson J.M., Barcus L. (2017) Diagnosi infermieristiche con NOC e NIC. Milano: Casa editrice Ambrosiana.

The module will develop through lectures managed synchronously in TEAMS; during the lessons the teacher will make use of the slide show in order to simplify and synthesize the contents. Before each lesson, the teacher, through the e-learning platform, provides students with scientific material (articles, guidelines and best practices) to carry out group work and / or to deepen the contents of the course and lead the discussion. At the end of the group work, the exhibition and delivery of the material produced will be requested.
If the teaching conditions allow it, the teacher will make use of active teaching methods such as role play and simulations.

The teacher is always available to receive students individually for tutoring and to view exam papers. He can be contacted at, telephone: 0332 217950.
