Biomedical Sciences
The Biomedical Sciences are one of the hottest and most dynamic areas of Biology, leading to continuous and exciting progress in scientific knowledge and its applications to human health.
The multidisciplinary approach, including molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, pharmacology, physiology and pathology, and the close connection with research activities of excellence, combined with a particular attention to the needs of the single students, are the strengths of this Master’s Degree Program.
The preparation offered by this course qualifies the graduates in BMS for various professional profiles, including: working in scientific communication; functioning as medical advisor or as medical science liaison in the medical directions of pharmaceutic and biotech companies; executing and supervising analyses and quality control in the clinical, biomolecular, genetic, cytogenetic, microbiological, pharmaco-toxicological fields; participating actively in the planning and execution of research in the biomedical field and in the dissemination of the results to the scientific community.
The numerous collaborations and contacts with Italian and international laboratories, the Erasmus exchange program, and the possibility of attending a Double Degree programme at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences offer the opportunity of acquiring a highly appreciated international experience and preparation in the work world.
Furthermore, the courses are taught entirely in English, accustoming the students to mastering what is now considered the official language in the scientific and working community.
The study plan includes two different curricula.
Basic and applied biomedical sciences curriculum
This curriculum provides a very flexible and dynamic training, offering a wide range of elective courses to allow the students to customize their study plan according to their interests and inclinations.
Thus, the students can opt for a more in-depth study of the cellular and molecular bases of pathological processes and of the main diagnostic-therapeutic intervention modes, with a special focus on the areas of oncology and neuroscience, as well as develop stronger applied biomedical skills.
Double Degree curriculum
This curriculum mainly focuses on immunology and clinical applications.
The students admitted to this program will attend their second-year classes and will train to prepare their thesis at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in Germany; at the end of the course, the students will obtain the title of Master of Science Degree (MSc) in Biomedical Sciences also from the German University.
The degree also provides access to doctoral programs in the fields of Biology and Biomedicine, to various specialization schools in the Biomedical area, and to the state exam for qualification as a biologist.
Job opportunities for graduates in BMS are available in the fields of scientific communication, in the medical management of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies (as medical advisor or medical science liason), and in laboratories performing clinical, biomolecular, genetic and cytogenetic, microbiological, pharmaco-toxicological, and quality control analyses.
Biomedical scientists are also qualified to actively participate in the design and conduction of research projects on biological concepts and theories applied to the biomedical field, as well as in the dissemination of the achieved results across the scientific community.