Exams: rules and enrolment
The Regulatation of Università degli Studi dell’Insubria introduces the following mandatory rules as for exam sessions:
- In order to have exams, students must be regularly enrolled, must have passed any preparatory examinations (if any) and acquired the necessary attendance (all classes have taken place). The repetition of an exam that has already been passed is not allowed and the final mark once registered can’t be modified.
- Enrollment to exams is mandatory and it is made on-line from the student’s personal page. Students can enroll only to those exams that are in their study plan. Students can enroll on line in the period that lasts from 25 days to 5 days before the day of the exam.
- On the day of the exam, students will be asked to show the University card. Without this kind of documents, students will not be admitted to exams.
- All exams are recorded on line according to the rules imposed by the law. The lecturer in charge of the exam signs the exam report in a digital format.
- Oral exams are recorded the same day of the exam. The student can quit during the oral exam as he/she understands that his/her preparation is not enough to pass. At the end of the exam he/she can accept or refuse the mark before leaving the room.
- The results of written exams are published on line by the Lecturer in charge. The student can quit during the time allowed for written exams as he/she understands that his/her preparation is not enough to pass.
- The final mark of the exam is recorded in the students’ career only in case of a positive result. In case of negative marks or of dropouts, these are not recorded and are indicated in the exam report only for statistic objectives.
Communication of the results
The lecturer has to communicate the final marks of written exams within 10 days starting from the day of the exam itself. The result is sent automatically by email in the institutional mailbox that all students have receive once enrolled ( X.surname@studenti.uninsubria.it).
Only for written exams students must accept or reject the mark obtained within five days starting from the day they received the communication of the result. This can be done on line from the personal page of the students. If the student doesn’t answer, the mark is definitely registered with no possibility to refuse it later.
Students must use the institutional mail while communicating with lecturers and administrative staff.