Year: 1
Year: 1
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
- Biologi e professioni assimilate -
- Biotecnologi -
- Ricercatori e tecnici laureati nelle scienze biologiche -
All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:
For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:
The world of biological sciences is characterized by a multiplicity of disciplines and related problems. The main challenge for teaching in the field of Biology is to homogeneously present all the subject areas and clearly highlight the cultural and methodological connections between them. This provides that, at the end of the training course, the student has the ability to move in a complex environment, thanks to a multidisciplinary preparation that allows him to adopt the most appropriate approach in all circumstances. The expected results are ultimately verified during the preparation and presentation of the final exam. Graduates will be able to understand the most relevant aspects of the study topics; this will enable him to critically face the choices that will arise both in the case of continuing his studies in a master's degree and in the workplace. For example, he will be able to verify the general efficiency of a laboratory in terms of productivity and appropriateness of the procedures used, follow the development and management of research projects and application procedures, be generally proactive about the use of reagents/drugs/materials . Graduates in Biomedical Sciences will have acquired the ability to formulate autonomous and conscious judgments by developing critical skills such as to allow for insertion into any work context in the biomedical field, as well as the preparation and autonomous execution of studies and research. The student is accompanied in this path by seminars and Journal Club activities included in the teaching courses, with the function of developing the autonomous evaluation skills of scientific texts. Also the practical activity carried out during the internship and the drafting of the final report represent opportunities to improve the skills of critical evaluation of the results and their interpretation. These activities are aimed at the acquisition by the student of the ability to formulate autonomous judgments, in relation to the conception, management and results of work projects, the use of equipment and the interaction with the technical staff, as well as in relation to social and ethical issues related to the biology sector. An important added value in terms of acquiring a critical perspective results, for students facing the Double Degree curriculum, from carrying out one year of study abroad, thus being exposed to a new and stimulating cultural environment.
The acquisition of an adequate degree of independent judgment is verified in the context of collective discussions of scientific publications (Journal Club) and of internship. An evaluation is also expressed on the level of independent judgment reached by the student during the internship.
Graduates in Biomedical Sciences will have acquired adequate skills and tools to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions about the biomedical field to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors through the drafting of reports during the verification of profit (seminars), by presenting scientific articles (Journal Club) and progress reports illustrating the development of their internship work for the writing of the degree thesis. The internship period also allows them to acquire the ability to interact with collaborators and technical staff. Communication skills are assessed through the scheduled exam tests and on the basis of the ability to present scientific articles and the results of their activity, as well as to prepare the final paper, in which the student is required to fully acquire the exhibition skills and communicative skills as well as the adequate property of language, and to frame his activity and the results obtained in a wider scientific conceptual context. Communication skills will be enhanced by the familiarity acquired in the use of the English language during the two years of study.
Graduates in Biomedical Sciences will have acquired an aptitude for study and for scientific and professional updating profitable for the acquisition of ever new methodologies, technologies and experimental procedures, for the understanding of the theoretical and experimental emerging, basic and applications, and for an expansion of the perspective on the problems to be faced, knowing how to relate to different cultural approaches. They will also have acquired the habit of updating and evaluating aspects related to cost/benefit ratio, safety and bioethical issues. These learning skills allow graduates in this master's class to access further levels of training (masters, research doctorates, specialization schools), in Italy or abroad, and to develop and organize self-learning paths for permanent professional training.
La prova finale per il conseguimento del titolo e la relativa verifica consistono nella preparazione e discussione di un elaborato, frutto del lavoro svolto durante il periodo di tirocinio.
Il progetto del tirocinio verte su temi di ambito biomedico ed è svolto o sotto la guida di un supervisore presso una struttura universitaria o esterna all'Università, purché convenzionata con l'Ateneo. Poiché la maggior parte del lavoro di preparazione della prova finale avviene all’interno di un’attività tirocinio, si attribuisce a quest’ultima attività una parte rilevante dei crediti destinati alla prova finale. La relazione dovrà essere redatta in lingua inglese e i risultati verranno esposti e discussi in lingua inglese in seduta pubblica di fronte a una apposita commissione, come previsto dal Regolamento didattico di Ateneo. Poiché la prova finale concorre alla verifica di conoscenza e comprensione della problematica biomedica oggetto; della capacità di applicare tale conoscenza e comprensione; delle proprie conoscenze, nonché dell'autonomia di giudizio, dell'abilità comunicativa e delle capacità di apprendimento, la valutazione si baserà sui seguenti criteri: padronanza della problematica e delle metodologie utilizzate; conoscenza della letteratura scientifica pertinente; chiarezza espositiva e capacità di sostenere adeguatamente la discussione scientifica; giudizio del supervisore sull'attività svolta e sulla capacità del candidato di elaborare autonomamente il materiale raccolto ai fini della stesura della tesi.
Gli studenti che seguono il percorso a doppio titolo dovranno sostenere una prova finale anche presso l’Università partner, secondo quanto stabilito dal relativo regolamento.