Communication Sciences and Techniques
In order to shape professionals who are able to do an intellectual, cultural and creative job, the master’s degree course in Science and Technical Communication, an innovative on the Italian scene, faces with a multidisciplinary and intercultural method all of the new languages required by the tertiary sector, making use of skills and technical professionality in synchro with the still and vastly evolving contemporary communication forms.
The course, which completes and enhance a formative iter with solid humanistic bases, provides a study program to acquire knowledge and skills that match the requests from the new economy and society. The aim of the course is to shape developers of communicative models suitable to different sectors that represent the communication world’s main axis, but also experts in the new communicative languages who are able to do editorial and research activities in the growing new media sector.
This master’s degree is composed by two curriculum. The double curriculum is focused on the achievement of linguistic, historical, artistic, philosophical, political, esthetics and rhetorical skills sided with technical skills sided with specific technical skills with specific attention:
- the curriculum Business, institutional and political communication, to the principles of publishing and journalistic communication methods, as well as to the theoretical and methodological knowledge which are helpful to attain through an in depth analysis of the mediological and sectoral languages’s comunicative systems to produce texts in those languages’s field and project communicative models, utilize different media and interact with a national and international public, develop and manage interaction processes and info exchange in a company or corporate scenario;
- the curriculum Promotion and communication of cultural and archeological heritage, to specific archaeological, historical-artistic and historical-architectural skills and related vocabulary to establish a mediation between the specific languages and the ones belonging to various kind of viewers; to develop synthesis and written elaboration skills at least in Italian and English with the same purpose and also managing interrelation with local, national and international institutions; developing specific organizing and informatics abilities to plan and manage events and enhancement or promotion paths; develop analysis skills on the impact of the promotional and enhancing campaigns among the public, as well as identify long and short term objectives.
Lessons are held in Italian.