Professore Associato
Orario di ricevimento:

Consultation hours. Using the Teams platform or at the professor’s office (Collegio Cattaneo,Via Jean Henry Dunant, 7 Varese) or even in Como in venue to be agreed. You have to require a prior appointment by sending your e-mail to laura.facchin@uninsubria.it.

Laura Facchin PhD holds the teachings of Social History of Art and History of Modern Art (three-year degree course in Communication Sciences) and Artistic Communication (master's degree course in Communication Sciences and Techniques) at the University of Insubria. She deals with collecting and artistic relations in Central-Northern Italy from the 17th to the 19th century, an area in which he has published, among others, the volume Francesco III d'Este "Serenissimo Signore" between Modena, Milan and Varese (2017), several essays on the painter Angelica Kauffmann and studies on the activity of the Artists of the Lombardy-Ticinese Lakes. She is a founding member of the Research Center on the History of Contemporary Art (CRiSAC) of the University of Insubria. She has curated and co-curated several exhibitions in Piedmont and Lombardy, the latest of which is "Maria Hadfield Cosway" (Lodi, Fondazione Cosway, 23 September-11 December 2022).