Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in Biotechnology for the Bio-based and Health Industry
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours), Laboratory (12 hours)

For understanding the topics covered during the course, basic knowledge of plant biotechnology and molecular biology are useful.

Final Examination: 

The evaluation consists of an oral exam. The student will be asked some questions, both broad and more specific, one of which is chosen. The objective of the exam is to verify the level of achievement of the previously indicated training objectives, evaluating the level of knowledge and depth of the topics addressed. For the purposes of the assessment, the teacher will take into account the student's ability to:
- articulate the speech with clarity, precision, relevance and properties of language
- argue and make connections between the teaching contents and compare different aspects covered during the course
- critically re-elaborate the contents

The vote is expressed in 30/30.

Voto Finale

Upon completion of the course students will learn how plants can be used as biofactories. The aim of the course is to provide knowledge of the possibility of modifying cellular metabolism, through recombinant DNA techniques, in order to allow the development of new bioprocesses for the production of "fine chemicals". Possible applications will range from vaccines production to metabolic pathways modification. The course offers an integrated and critical view of the Plant Molecular Pharming and how genetic engineering techniques can be used, in plants, for the production of molecules (of plant-based or not) with pharmacological, nutraceutical and industrial application value.

At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. understand how technologies of in vitro culture and gene modification can be used for the targeted production of plant secondary metabolites of high industrial value;
2. understand how plant cells can be used as bioreactors for the production of drugs, biofuels, products for industry;
3. apply some techniques for the measurement of compounds of nutraceutical interest;
4. learn dynamics behind this important productive reality of the sector
5. critically evaluate the scientific results of the sector;
6. communicate with appropriate scientific terminology and independent judgment.

During the lessons the following topics will be addressed:

Biofortification strategies
- introduction to the problem, strategies for dealing with it
- genetic engineering applications for biofortification

The secondary metabolism of plants
- main classes of secondary metabolites.
- biosynthesis, regulation and compartmentalization of secondary metabolites
- biological role of secondary metabolites

Production of secondary metabolites in vitro
- regulation and turnover of secondary metabolites in culture
- selection of high production cell lines
- bioreactors and fermenters for the growth of plant material

Metabolic engineering in plant
- identification of key genes of the biosynthetic pathways of various secondary metabolites and in different plant organisms
- metabolic engineering approaches for the production of secondary metabolites of industrial interest

Plant Molecular farming (PMF)
- plants as bioreactors for the production in plants of molecules of biotechnological and industrial interest of non-plant origin
- PMF for the production of vaccines and edible vaccines
- PMF for the production of plantibodies
- PMF for the production of biofuels
- PMF for the production of biomaterials (silk, bioplastics, etc..)

Plant-based biomaterials for biomedical application

Plant-based biofertilizers and biopesticides

Practical activities (three practical activities of four hours each):

- Strategies to increase the production of secondary metabolites of industrial interest in in vitro plant cultures
- Extraction, purification and identification of compounds of industrial value

Biofortification strategies
- introduction to the problem, strategies for dealing with it
- genetic engineering applications for biofortification

The secondary metabolism of plants
- main classes of secondary metabolites.
- biosynthesis, regulation and compartmentalization of secondary metabolites
- biological role of secondary metabolites

Production of secondary metabolites in vitro
- regulation and turnover of secondary metabolites in culture
- selection of high production cell lines
- bioreactors and fermenters for the growth of plant material

Metabolic engineering in plant
- identification of key genes of the biosynthetic pathways of various secondary metabolites and in different plant organisms
- metabolic engineering approaches for the production of secondary metabolites of industrial interest

Plant Molecular farming (PMF)
- plants as bioreactors
- production in plants of molecules of biotechnological and industrial interest not only of plant origin
- PMF for the production of vaccines and edible vaccines
- PMF for the production of plantibodies
- PMF for the production of biofuels
- PMF for the production of biomaterials (silk, bioplastics, etc..)

Plant-based biomaterials for biomedical application

Plant-based biofertilizers and biopesticides

Plant-based biofertilizers and biopesticides


Teaching language: English

The teaching includes both frontal lessons and practical activities.
Lessons are supported by PPT slide show.

The practical activities consist of:
- laboratory exercises on the contents of the lessons. Twelve hours of practical activities (three practical activities of four hours each). All the indications regarding the laboratory activities will be communicated to the students during the first lesson and repeated in itinere;

- moments of in-depth study of the topics covered through reading and oriented discussion of articles in the classroom in which students will be stimulated to discuss and compare their opinion;

- specialized supplementary seminars by experts and professionals on specific topics related to the course;

- guided visits to companies of the sector located in the area.

The teacher receives by appointment, upon request via e-mail ( at his office in via Dunant 3, in Varese. The teacher responds only to signed e-mails from the
