Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Trimestre
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours), Exercise (12 hours)


Written test on e-learning "Quiz-Moodle", composed by 29 multiple choice questions (4 answers, of which only one correct): 27 questions (value of 1 point each) on theoretical concepts and 2 exercises of 2 points each. The exercises have to be done, shown the different steps and formula on a paper that must be delivered at the end. Duration of the exam: 40 minutes. There isn’t penalization in case of wrong answer. A system of automatic randomization of questions and answers will be applied.

Voto Finale

The aim of the course is to give the fundamental instruments and concepts which are necessary to the analysis of industrial economics and organization. Special attention will be given to the determinants and the effects of the industrial structure and the firms’ strategies on the different markets.
At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the fundamental characteristics of different market structures and to make an economic analysis of the several industries which compose an economic system.

Introduction to industrial economics (4 h)
Market structures: definition and classification (3)
Entry deterrence (3 h)
Industrial and geographic concentration: indexes and determinants (3 h)
Models of oligopoly (6 h)
Price strategies (3 h)
Product differentiation (3 h)
Innovation and R&D (4 h)
Firm strategies of growth: M&A, strategic alliances, integrations and vertical restrictions (6 h)
Antitrust policies and market regulation policies (3 h)

See above.


40 hours of lectures and 10 hours of classroom exercises.
Lectures: slides and other material (e.g.: articles or research papers/projects) will be used and uploaded to E-learning website. Some practical examples and empirical data applied to specific industrial sectors will be presented, to help the student in the understanding of theoretical models.
With the same aim, on one or more issues addressed, seminars held by external teachers will be also organized; an in-class discussion with the students will follow at the end of the seminar.
Classroom exercises: they aim at supporting the student in the preparation of the exam and they include a review of the topics, focusing on the most complex economic models, some numerical exercises on, for example, the calculation of industrial concentration indices. Finally, examples of possible exam questions will be shown.

Academic Timetable
Once a week on appointment taken by email or in-class (on Teams or in presence on the basis of the specific needs).
Integrative lecturers by Matteo Scacchi
Lipczynski J., Wilson J.O.S., Goddard J., Economia industriale. Concorrenza, strategie e politiche pubbliche, Pearson Italia, 2017, all the chapters with the except for chapters 4 and 15.
- Slides and readings of the seminars will be available on the e-learning platform.
- Other materials (lectures’ slides, case studies and other documents) will be also available on the e-learning platform.
At the Department of Economics a tutoring service is available: