Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in Hospitality for sustainable tourism development
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (25 hours)

No prerequisites are required.

For the first module, relating to private law, an oral paper will be assigned to be presented during the course from a bibliography distributed in advance.
For the second module, on labour law, there is a written test.
On passing the examinations for both modules, a single mark will be awarded as the average of the two marks for the individual modules.

Voto Finale

The course aims to to address contract law in general and to deepen the law of the main contracts that may be of interest to turist and operators in the tourism sector. In particular, tourism and transport contracts, concluded in person and online, and employment contracts will be covered.
Students will be able to understand and use legal terminology and the main institutions and categories of contract law relevant to the world of tourism.
Practical applications and case studies will be used to enhance understanding and provide the necessary knowledge to consciously address various legal problems related to the world of contracts that the various professionals operating in the world of tourism may be called upon to resolve.
Students will be able to recognise not only the strictly technical-legal profiles but also the quasi-legal and socio-cultural ones (sustainability, new technologies, ethics) of the tourism sector.

The course is divided into two modules of 25 hours and 4 CFU each.
The first module, on private law, will deal with some aspects relating to contracts in general and others more specific to the regulation of tourism contracts. In particular, consumer law, contracts in the hospitality sector, transport contracts, and travel contracts will be the subject of the course. Space will also be devoted to the theme of ethics and sustainability in the tourism sector.
In the second module, relating to labour law, the topics that will be explored in depth during the lessons, also thanks to the intervention of experts, will be the following: the discipline of collective agreements and individual employment contracts.

Lectures and interaction among participants through presentations and case discussions.
There will also be some lectures by invited lecturers and experts from time to time.
A detailed lecture programme will be distributed to attending students at the beginning of the course.

Course materials, including ppt presentations of lectures, articles, book and textbook extracts, regulatory references, reports and other various sources, will be provided during the course and will be uploaded on the elearning platform.