Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in Hospitality for sustainable tourism development
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

The course doesn't require previous knowledge on the topics covered.

Oral exam

Voto Finale

The 'Administratrive Law of Sustainability' course is part of the 'Sustainable Hospitality Management (SHM) Curriculum', a curriculum that aims to prepare qualified experts in hospitality management involving public and private operators engaged in the development of a tourism destination.
The Curriculum provides students with the managerial tools required by companies operating in the hospitality sector, equipping them with advanced knowledge in: destination management and marketing, communication, economics and law, sustainability, project management.
Within the SHM curriculum, the "Administratrive Law of Sustainability" course enables students to develop a clear picture of the legal aspects and the rules and programmes that regulate relations between public and private entities. Students will be able to master the most common tools, including consensual tools, of administrative law, and to know and manage the environmental protection profiles of the territory, both on a programmatic-preventive and restorative level.
The overall objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of law in general and to increase awareness and general knowledge in the field of environmental law at supranational and national level. In particular, the course aims to provide advanced technical and operational skills necessary for the use and exploitation of natural resources within the limits of environmental protection regulations and the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency and economy.
At the end of the course, students are expected to be prepared to understand current environmental regulations and the approach to the dynamics in solving environmental problems that may arise in connection with the implementation and development of economic activities. The study of the relationships between the various public and private actors provides an understanding of how to foster collaborative policies and mitigate conflict situations. Finally, knowledge of the environmental rules and authorisation procedures that the various actors involved in land management must comply with is essential for understanding and resolving critical environmental issues related to economic initiatives. In particular, students will be able to steer companies in the area towards innovative management dynamics geared towards sustainability.

The course is divided into two sections.
The first part of the course is devoted to an introduction on the typical features and instruments of administrative law. In particular, the fundamental principles governing administrative action and the typical institutes with which this activity is carried out will be explained to enable students to understand the legal framework within which the relationship between economic operators and the public administration is set. We will focus, in particular, on the discipline of administrative procedure and consensual forms.
In the second part of the course, the typical problems of environmental law will be dealt with in more detail, with particular regard to the notion of environment, models of environmental protection, the relationship between environment and economic development, and environmental administrative procedures in terms of both authorisation (EIA, SEA, AIA) and remediation (reclamation).


Teaching methods are academic lectures delivered in English, promoting dialogue and debate with students.
Oral lectures will be supported by PowerPoint (PPT) presentations made available on the e-learning platform.
Lectures with experts will be scheduled to provide immediate confirmation of the practical relevance of the course content.

The reception will be held after the lectures or remotely, by appointment with the lecturer.
