Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in Hospitality for sustainable tourism development
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

No specific prerequisites are required

Final Examination: 

Knowledge of the course content will be tested through an oral examination, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge will be assessed through the presentation and critical discussion of a group project work.

Voto Finale

The main objective of course is to provide a solid understanding of the contemporary media landscape, with particular reference to new media.
Expected results: 1. To know and understand the main elements that distinguish the new media from traditional media (remediation, relocation, participation, digital image, computational image, interface,...)
2. To apply the acquired knowledge in the analysis of case studies

The teaching activity will cover the following contents:
1. The paradigm of visual culture
2. New media technologies - transition to digital
3. Deepening of key concepts through readings and case studies: convergence, remediation, relocation, sociality, participation, computational image, etc
Students attending the course, through individual case analysis and project work in team, will apply the acquired knowledge to specific objects of study with special reference to the tourism field

1 week Introduction Old media/New Media
2 week Analog/Digital
3 week Remediation/Convergence
4 week Multimedia/Computer Work project
5 week Software Culture
6 week Interaction (Videogame)
7 week Social Media/Participatory culture Work project
8 week Immersiveness - Virtual reality
9 week Immersiveness -Augmented reality
10 week Work project
The syllabus may also change depending on the understanding of the topics verified in class through the projects.


The course follows a multidisciplinary approach aimed at involving students. 1. frontal lessons with ppts, images and videos 2. reading, presentation and classroom discussion of some reference texts (flip classroom) 3. analysis of some case studies 4. possible lectures by external lecturers 5. group project work for which a presentation and final assessment is foreseen.

The bibliography will be available on Leganto and the materials on the Elearning platform.
For appointments, please contact the lecturer at
