Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in Hospitality for sustainable tourism development
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Various educational activities
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours)

The course requires as a prerequisite the level B2, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for the knowledge of languages.

Final Examination: 

The learning assessment method consists of a written test (only monolingual vocabulary allowed) and an oral test (which focuses on topics examined and agreed with the teacher during the course), both mandatory, with grades assigned out of thirty. Admission to the oral test is subject to passing the written test. The final exam grade is obtained through the arithmetic average of the grades obtained in the two partial tests mentioned above.
In particular, written and oral communication skills in the tourism and hospitality sector will be assessed, as well as the level of expository precision in the valorization for tourism purposes of the local artistic, cultural and environmental heritage (customs, culture, history, customs, traditions, places of interest, etc.), the ability to understand the needs of tourists and sector operators and the ability to provide correct information from a content, lexical and grammatical point of view.

Voto Finale

The course aims to strengthen specific language knowledge and skills in contexts relating to tourism and hospitality. The relevant German language vocabulary will be developed through exercises and readings dedicated to the different types of travel, job opportunities in the sector, correspondence and forms of written communication, as well as social, environmental and sustainability-related aspects. The course promotes the acquisition of skills useful for written and oral communication in the tourism sector, including essential lexical and grammatical notions, professional glossaries, tourist presentations and proposals, essential notions of historical and social nature (e.g. Agenda 2030) and in-depth analysis in the artistic, literary, cultural and environmental field.

The course aims at developing skills in the field of tourism and hospitality through different analysis profiles: training and professional opportunities in the sector, the development and evaluation of tourist proposals, the criteria to select a tourist destination, the selection of transport and booking options, trip planning, written and oral communication models in the tourism sector, the hospitality through the artistic, historical and cultural aspects of a tourist itinerary, the value of a place through its literary, social and environmental tradition.


The course includes exercises dedicated to vocabulary, grammar and communication in the German language, general or targeted listening texts for tourism and hospitality, textual comprehension exercises with the use of tourist terminology, open dialogues and role, production of small reports or written conversations and consultation of online resources useful for terminology or further information on the subject.
Any summary sheets and course materials, as well as any potential additional material will be periodically uploaded to the course e-learning platform.

Students can contact Prof. Bogni by e-mail:
