Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in Hospitality for sustainable tourism development
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

First level knowledge of Economics and management.

Final Examination: 

The students are evaluated by means of a written exam and a group project work that the students have to present to the class.

Voto Finale

This course investigates destination management and marketing with a specific focus on the challenges of contemporary tourism. Considering the impact that tourism has on destinations, the course analyzes the main management and marketing strategies to face competition and increase the performance. A specific part is dedicated to theoretically and practically analyze the role and the importance of the collaboration between various stakeholders (public/private sector) in destination marketing and management in order to achieve higher competitiveness. Main topics include: the role of destination management organisations (DMOs) and destination communities in experience creation and promotion; the importance of destination management and marketing to enhance global competitiveness; the impact of tourism on the destination; planning and product development; positioning and branding; resources, networks and partnerships.
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1. Analyze and discuss the key concepts and principles of marketing as applied to destinations and the tourism experience;
2. Demonstrate an appropriate level of understanding of current issues and strategies associated with destination management and marketing;
3. Critically analyse the impact of key stakeholder groups in the context of tourist destinations;
4. Develop problem solving skills being able to use tourism and marketing research to inform strategic decision making,
5. Demonstrate skills in oral and written communication as well as critical and analytical thinking in accordance with the specific professional context,
6. Work independently and as a team member to gather and analyse information to guide problem solving and decision making.

Main topics include but are not restricted to the following:
1. Strategic destination marketing and sustainable tourism
2. The impact of tourism on the destination
3. Understanding tourist markets and types of tourist destinations
4. Destination marketing and branding
5. Key stakeholder groups in the context of tourist destinations
6. The role of destination management organisations (DMOs)
7. Tourism product and pricing strategies
8. Destination marketing, communication and promotion
9. Information technology and digital marketing
10. The importance of public-private sector collaboration.

Points from 1 to 7 in common for the two curricula. Point from 8 to 10 with specific reference to the organizations of hospitality and tourism.


Theoretical lectures, case studies, lectures of tourism managers on specific parts of the program, project works in groups.
E-learning platform.

Office hours:
on appointment by writing an email to the Professor.
