Cooperation and State building

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

.There are no prerequisites

Final Examination: 

The learning assessment methods consist of an oral exam, with the assignment of the final grade in thirtieths, regarding the materials published on the e-learning platform (covered in class) and with the presentation and discussion of a project related to the themes of the third sector (built according to the design technique learned during the design module, with materials published on the e-learning platform) and questions on the program covered during the course.
The mastery of the topics covered, the student's critical thinking ability and his/her competence in using learned tools and personal resources in order to solve complex problems, real or hypothetical, will be assessed. The presentation skills and the level of acquisition of specific terminology are also assessed.
For students attending the course, the active participation of the students during the lessons will also be assessed for the purposes of the final assessment.

Voto Finale

.The course is aimed at students interested in working in the field of development cooperation and as mediators in the field of fundamental rights.
In particular, the course aims to provide students with the fundamental principles that govern cases of state crisis and reconstruction of states emerging from post-conflict situations characterized by serious violations of human rights and the related problems that societies face in such complex historical circumstances. It is particularly aimed at students interested in working in the field of international cooperation. The course will make use of the intervention of external experts, with testimonies and in-depth case studies.

Main topics:
- The "Resilient State".

- "Fragile" States.

- State building and democratization processes in the contemporary world

- Nation and nationalisms

- Minorities and minority rights

- UN - The responsibility to protect and the prevention of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity”)

- The fundamental "internalistic" constitutional principle

- The constitutional principle of "repudiation of war" (art. 11 of the Constitution)
- The regulation of Italy's participation in international missions

- The constitutional principle of solidarity in its internal and international projection).
- The constitutional principle of horizontal subsidiarity and the Third Sector

- International cooperation (bilateral, multilateral, non-governmental).

- Development cooperation: a) historical evolution; b) The Italian system of development cooperation.

- Focus: Universal Civil Service and the European Solidarity Corps

- Focus: State failure: the case of the disintegration of former Yugoslavia and the civil war.

- Transitional Justice: the different tools.

A module linked to a practical design workshop is also planned.
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Main topics:
- The "Resilient State".

- "Fragile" States.

- State building and democratization processes in the contemporary world

- Nation and nationalisms

- Minorities and minority rights

- UN - The responsibility to protect and the prevention of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity”)

- The fundamental "internalistic" constitutional principle

- The constitutional principle of "repudiation of war" (art. 11 of the Constitution)
- The regulation of Italy's participation in international missions

- The constitutional principle of solidarity in its internal and international projection).
- The constitutional principle of horizontal subsidiarity and the Third Sector

- International cooperation (bilateral, multilateral, non-governmental).

- Development cooperation: a) historical evolution; b) The Italian system of development cooperation.

- Focus: Universal Civil Service and the European Solidarity Corps

- Focus: State failure: the case of the disintegration of former Yugoslavia and the civil war.

- Transitional Justice: the different tools.

A module linked to a practical design workshop is also planned.


The course takes place in the first semester, through 50 hours of lessons (8 CFU).
The teaching includes theoretical lessons, with testimonies and insights from experts in the protection of fundamental rights and cooperation and a practical-experiential laboratory on design aimed at strengthening the theoretical knowledge acquired with the development of "soft-skills" and transversal skills for the preparation of projects in competitive funding calls announced by national or European institutions.
The course is divided into thematic modules. A specific module on mass violations of human rights and transitional justice will be conducted with experts from the International Center for Transitional Justice (New York).
The frontal lessons will be integrated and supported by the development of additional teaching materials, published on the e-learning platform, so as to make them accessible to all students and will also make use of multimedia materials.

Office hours: at the end of the lesson.

Students can request office hours at other times or via teams by sending an email to