The course requires as a prerequisite the complete achievement of level A1, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for the knowledge of languages. Students must be able to understand the essential elements of basic communication in German, to write simple and clear texts on everyday topics and situations, to describe experiences, events and wishes, to formulate requests and to provide simple indications and explanations about their own ideas and opinions.
The exam includes a written test (only paper monolingual dictionaries are admitted) and an oral evaluation. The oral part focuses on topics examined during the course. Both parts of the exam are compulsory, with the attribution of marks out of thirty. Admission to the oral test is subject to passing the written test. The final grade of the exam is the arithmetic average of the marks taken in the two partial tests.
In particular, the exam aims at assessing the linguistic ability acquired in order to manage different tourist situations, the ability and the level of presentation accuracy with regard to the description and enhancement for tourism purposes of the local artistic, cultural and environmental heritage (uses, culture, history, customs, traditions, places of interest, etc.), the ability to understand the needs formulated by customers, companies and tourist facilities in the area and the ability to provide correct information from a content, lexical and grammatical point of view.
The course of German Language II - Tourism Sciences (level A2-B2) aims to strengthen reading skills, listening comprehension, text editing and conversation in tourism. Students will have to acquire and improve the linguistic, communicative and intercultural skills needed to interact in this sector.
The main training goal is to allow students to manage everyday situations with the development of the specific language of the sector and with an in-depth study of communication strategies in touristic field. These strategies support the written and oral interaction with foreign tourists on accommodation facilities, on local artistic and cultural heritage, on local environmental and food and wine traditions, as well as on any socio-economic and historical profiles of the territory. Space will also be dedicated to new trends in the tourism sector, with reflections on sustainability, social issues, and the use of Artificial Intelligence tools in the world of tourism. Important weight is given to reading, listening, understanding exercises in order to stimulate conversation, to simulate frequent real situations, and thus improving oral production through the correct use of vocabulary and precision of pronunciation.
At the end of the course, students will be able:
- to understand phrases and expressions typical of the sector;
- to read and understand written communications relating to the tourism context;
- to interact orally with a coherent expressive ability on tourism-economic topics;
- to obtain and give information at the reception in catering or business contexts;
- to do small talks;
- to answer to requests;
- to provide assistance and support;
- to strengthen their language skills;
- to increase the degree of satisfaction of a tourist facility;
- to manage reviews and online resources;
- to give greater visibility to the local tourism reality.
The course focuses on topics concerning for example:
- customer management (how to welcome the customer, provide information to the customer, respond adequately to requests, manage complaints);
- requests for information (for example relating to cultural events, fairs, exhibitions);
- provision of transport and travel information (for example public transport timetables, car / motorbike rental, information on places of tourist interest);
- telephone conversations;
- how to manage the arrival and departure of a guest;
- bookings and booking changes;
- customer's requests in the restaurant and at the bar;
- how to reach the various areas / services of the facility;
- indications on the opening and closing times of the different services;
- online reviews and company's tourist visibility on the web;
- how to resolve efficiently complaints and critical issues;
- indications on weather conditions;
- requests for help;
- most frequently asked questions.
The course also includes hours of frontal teaching dedicated to the study and deepening of the general German lexicon, grammar and phonetics.
The course takes place from February to May, for a total of 35 hours of frontal lessons. The course includes:
- the analysis and exercises of German vocabulary, grammar and phonetics;
- general listening texts or texts focusing on the tourism sector;
- exercises of textual comprehension with the use of tourism terminology;
- open dialogues and role-playing games;
- production of small reports or written conversations;
- study of web-corpora and online resources, useful for terminology or for further information on this field.
Students can contact Prof. Bogni by e-mail: