Roman history
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
It is necessary to know the main facts and events of Roman history. In order to do it, we suggest AA.VV, Nuove questioni di storia antica, Milano 1969, 926 ss. Any additional information Will be given during the lessons and published on the e-learning platform.
The verification consists in a final oral examination based on three questions, moving from a general topic towards a more peculiar one, by increasing the degree of specificity and so on and it will concern 1 and 2 the Roman history 3 the history of ancient Como. The examination aims to underline the student's skills in appreciating Roman history and historical method and offers the opportunity to verify the degree of application of general guidelines of Roman history to the locale experience.
The course aims to offer a diachronic perspective of Roman history, from the origins of the city to the fall of Roman empire, focusing social, economic and political aspects. On the other hand, the course wants to increase the specific attainments required to a touristic operator, whose field of professional work wil be disclosed in a region and a city rich of museums, Roman ruins and archaeogical remains. The goal is to combine the knowledge of Roman history and historical method with the real opportunity to find a job in touristic and archaeogical circle.
The course summerizes the main facts of Roman history, from the origins of the city to the fall of Roman empire, focusing social, economic and political aspects. The second part points out the Roman history of Como, focusing the archaeogical, urbanistic, artistic,social and economic issues.
The course will concern 1) The origins of Rome 2) The Roman Republic 3)) The crisis of the res publica and the questions of mediterranean imperialism 4) Augustus and the foundation of the princedom 5) Diocletianus and the Dominate 6) From Constantinus to Theodosius.
The course will take 55 hours of frontal lessons in the first semester.
The professor will receive the students after the lessons or by appointment by mail to: