Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in TOURISM SCIENCE
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

Basic concepts (secondary school level) in History

Final Examination: 

At the end of the course there will be a test of assessment in the form of an oral examination, lasting a minimum of twenty minutes, tending to check the achievement of educational goals through: 1. the recognition of some images taken from a textbook; 2. check of student's descriptive ability of such images, as well as the ability to relate them with cultural / artistic / architectural contexts of the period considered; 3. ability to relate the works with the cultural / artistic / architectural contexts of the reference period; 4. knowledge of the figurative and representative codes; 5. knowledge of the specific terminology of the discipline. In particular, the following weight will be given to the verification of the aforementioned achievement of the training objectives: 1: 20%; 2: 20%; 3: 40%; 4: 10%; 5: 10%.

Voto Finale

• knowledge and understanding: To know the evolution of the artistic language from late antiquity to the beginning of the Renaissance. Understand representative and iconographic codes.
• ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Knowing how to recognize the regional, chronological context of an artistic historical artifact or medieval architecture. Ability to understand the iconographic code of an image or the structural typological data of a medieval architecture.
• objectives - expression of opinions: To be able to deduce the historical-cultural role of an artefact and to know how to relate it to the contemporary context in Europe.
• communication skills: To be able to illustrate the main characters and contents of a medieval historical, artistic or architectural artefact.
• study skills: To be able to face, on the basis of the knowledge acquired during the lessons, the evaluation (reading and decoding) of an artistic or architectural context of the Middle Ages.

Basic elements of Mediaeval Art History in Italy and in Europe from Early Christian era to Late Gothic.

The course aims to provide students with knowledge of the main issues related to the reading of the medieval image and the evolution of the artistic and architectural language in the Middle Ages, with attention to the iconographic, representative, chronological.
- didactic unit 1: Propaedeutics: the historiographic concept of the Middle Ages applied to the history of art and architecture.
- didactic unit 2: Basic concepts: figurative tradition, iconography, representative codes.
- didactic unit 3: Exemplifications through the study of illustrative material projected to the lesson and possible visits to muses and monuments.
- didactic unit 4: The problem of architecture and art techniques in the Middle Ages: building sites and art workshops. Treatises: Mappae Clavicula, Teofilo, Cennino Cennini.


Lectures, tutorials and seminars, visits to monuments and museums.

Study visits to medieval monuments in Regio Insubrica are planned.
The lecturer receives students on lecture days just after the end of the lecture itself, in spaces provided by DIDEC. Alternatively, the lecturer is available for a remote reception (via Teams platform or other) upon request to the e-mail address: saverio.lomartire@uninsubria.it. The lecturer only replies to signed e-mails from @studenti.uninsubria.it.
