- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The teaching of Sociology of Communication and Tourism does requirer
preliminary basic knowledge of contemporary history. Besides, a basic
knowledge of sociological terminology is desirable. To this end, students
are advised to consult a sociology dictionary.
The method of verifying knowledge and skills consists of an oral exam,
including open questions based on the contents and approaches presented. The assessment takes into account the relevance of the
answers given to the questions asked, the clarity of presentation and the
possession of the specific language of the discipline. A mark is given out
of a maximum of thirty.
Given the educational objectives of the course of study, the teaching
focuses on providing an introduction to and the practice of the
sociological perspective, both in general terms and applied to the fields of
communication and tourism. In the context of the professional training of
those who will operate in the hospitality industry, the acquisition of
sociological skills is deemed to be fundamental. The teaching aims to
provide the main sociological references – both theoretical and
methodological – needed to understand communication and tourism
phenomena in relation to the advent of modernity and its most recent
The general learning goal pursued by the teaching consists of the
development of a self-reflexive perspective, capable of contextualising
and grasping the socially constructed character of collective phenomena
and, in particular, of those relating to communication and tourism. The
specific objectives are to acquire familiarity with sociological thinking and
to master its main vocabulary.
The course considers tourism as a crucial junction of modernity, a
privileged point of observation of the processes of modernization which
highlights their intrinsic ambivalence. Initially, a review of the main
tourist phenomenology carried out in a participatory way will be
functional to the necessary historical contextualization. The subsequent introduction of the main sociological categories will serve to deepen both
the contours of modernity and its crisis, as well as the development of
contemporary tourism industry and practices.
The course is divided into four parts: 1. Introduction to classical sociological thinkers; 2. Everyday life and the social construction of reality; 3. Mass and digital communication; 4. Sociology of tourism.
The course includes 50 hours. The first lesson unit has an introductory function. It serves to present the
objectives of the course, the working methodology, the texts and the methods of evaluation – in other words, to define a training contract with the students. The first part of this teaching will be held as much as possible in terms of "flipped classrooms". The remaining parts includes both frontal lessions and seminars with invited experts.
Attending and not attending students will be asked to prepare two different teaching's programs (according to what it is detailed on the e-learning page of the teaching).