Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (36 hours)

There is no prerequisite requirement.

Final Examination: 

The exam is oral. For attending students, the report presented in class during the course will be taken into account for the final grade.

Voto Finale

The course follows the methodology used in the basic course in Law and Humanities, encouraging its direct application by students.

Classical themes will be alternated with some more recent approaches, in order to achieve a representative vision of the variety of relationships between law and the highest expressions of culture.

The main objective is the awareness of law as an entity that permeates society in all its interstices, even the less evident ones, but also as a science with the potential for continuous dialogue and comparison with literature, cinema and other disciplines.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to have a panoramic vision of the legal phenomenon, through ideas from both a criminal and civil point of view, both from a strictly legal perspective and from psychological, sociological and criminological perspectives.

The 2024/2025 course will focus on Law and Cinema. The great themes of multicultural society, human rights, bioethics, the relationship between religious confessions and the State, futuristic technology will be proposed through the suggestion of great cinematography. In fact, the partial screening, commentary and discussion of the following films is planned: Sacco e Vanzetti, Minority Report, The Children Act, Un borghese piccolo piccolo, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, A Clockwork Orange, La prima cosa bella, A Few Good Men, Gattaca, Non sposate le mie figlie!


In addition to some introductory lectures, the course has a seminar nature, and requires the active participation of students who will be assigned a film to show and comment on in class with the help of the teacher.

The teacher receives at the end or during the break of lessons. When work or family needs of the students make it impossible, the teacher can make himself available at different times, by appointment, through Microsoft Teams.