Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (56 hours), Seminar (12 hours)

No special prerequisites are required.

Final Examination: 

The exam consists of an oral interview aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of knowledge and the correct understanding of the contents of the texts which must be studied in full: on the basic contents of the two reference texts, two questions will be formulated, with particular attention to the skills of selecting, in analyzing and linking of the topics as well as their chronological classification. In addition, knowledge of the topics covered in class will be requested, also summarized in the teaching material that will be made available on the e-learning website in the sections "Lessons", "Texts" and "Educational Material" (a question). The answers to these first three questions must give an at least sufficient outcome, so that the exam can continue with a question on the text of choice and a question of ascertaining the capacity of critical interdisciplinary analysis and autonomy of judgment on the main topics of the course . The final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the answers (70%), as well as the communication skills shown during the interview (10%) and the ability to adequately motivate statements, analyzes and judgments (20%).

Procedure for the examination sessions:
- the exams (appelli) will take place following the enrollment order of the students, who will be asked to show their university card or other identification document;
- according to the number of students enrolled and who will answer the call, the exams may also continue in the following days, with the schedule which will be indicated by the teacher;
- students can request by e-mail to anticipate or postpone the examination time, but no later than the day or days scheduled for the exam.

Voto Finale

Objectives and learning outcomes:

The course intends to contextualize the various elements inherent in the history of scientific disciplines during the contemporary age, between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, in relation to the technological applications developed to date. The aim of the course is the reconstruction and critical understanding of a historical path aimed at comparing and interpreting the present, with particular attention to the different types and methods of narration and dissemination of science, in a multidisciplinary context that includes the stories of the contemporary world, modern philosophical reflections and geographical study on the relationship between man and the environment.

Expected results include:
• knowledge of the contents of scientific theories, investigation methods and the role of the main characters and institutions, placed in their historical periods and in an interdisciplinary context, with particular attention to the role of physical, natural and environmental sciences;
• knowledge of the main potential and risks of technological applications in contemporary society, particularly in the IT area;
• ability to select the topics covered, with independent judgment and critical sense, indicating and comparing the different interpretations of the authors of the reference texts,
• ability to frame and evaluate scientists, works, events and issues specific to science and technology in a well-defined historical context, with particular attention to the most significant chronological references;
• ability to undertake the study of a subject with an open approach to interdisciplinary interactions;

Content and Course Program:

The course introduces the main elements of the historical course of science and technology in the contemporary age, from late 19tth century to date, also through the reconstruction of "stories" that analyze particularly significant case studies related to the relationships between sciences, humanities, types of communication, manipulations, errors and falsifications. The relationships between sciences, techniques, technologies and industrial activities will be analyzed, as well as the relationships between sciences and politics, economy, religion, war, to reach the examination of the social role of science through museums, academies, universities and laboratories. The evolution of technologies will be analyzed in relation to scientific developments and the social, political, economic and cultural context.

Within the general part of the course 12 hours of seminar lessons will be included (teacher: Alberto Vianelli) and they will focus on issues related to the birth of genetics, neo-Darwinism, the development of molecular biology, the applications of genetic engineering, questions related to genetically modified organisms and the history of the study of viruses and vaccines.

The following topics will be covered:

General part: (approximately 48 hours)
- Introduction to the course and basic definitions
- From science to sciences: scientific revolutions and the development of disciplines
- From techniques to technologies: tools, machines, inventions, patents
- The 'crisis' of Europe and the role of science and technology
- Social Darwinism
- The origins of Eugenics
- The study of the Earth and the origin of man
- Mendel and the birth of genetics (2 hours - seminar)
- The sciences before, during and after the 'Great War'
- The great epidemic of 'Spanish fever'
- Neo-Darwinism (1 hour - seminar)
- The new applied sciences: chemistry
- The rise of totalitarian regimes and the sciences: from Fascism to Nazism
- World War II: science, government and technologies
- The Manhattan Project and the 'big science'
- The post-war period, the cold war and the nuclear weapons
- The ways of scientific research in the second half of the twentieth century
- From applied chemistry to the birth of molecular biology (2 hours - seminar)
- Genetic engineering, cloning and genetically modified organisms (3 hours - seminar)
- Research, development, innovation, organization and funding of research
- The falsification of science: the Breuning case
- HIV and AIDS: history of an epidemic (2 hours - seminar)
- Viruses and vaccines: from Sars to Covid (2 hours - seminar)
- Innovation technologies: applications, potential, innovations
- Robot and cybernautics: automation, computer science, artificial intelligence
- Science in the age of knowledge and the "technological man"

Monographic part: History, science, narration (approximately 20 hours)
- Stories of communication and popularization of science: between popular science and fake news
- The "two cultures" and the narration of science: from Snow to Sokal
- The places of science and their narration: museums, laboratories, universities


The study of the following two reference texts is required:

Pietro GRECO, "La scienza e l’Europa. Il primo Novecento", Roma. L’Asino d’oro edizioni, 2018

Pietro GRECO, "La scienza e l’Europa. Dal secondo dopoguerra a oggi", Roma. L’Asino d’oro edizioni, 2019

and one text to be chosen from the following list:

Angelo GUERRAGGIO, Pietro NASTASI, "L’Italia degli scienziati. 150 anni di storia nazionale", Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2010

John CORNWELL, "Gli scienziati di Hitler. La scienza, la guerra e il patto con il diavolo", Milano, Garzanti, 2003

Giorgio ISRAEL, "Il Fascismo e la razza. La scienza italiana e le politiche razziali del regime", Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010

Roberto MAIOCCHI, "Scienza e Fascismo", Roma, Carocci, 2004

Francesco CASSATA, "Eugenetica senza tabù. Usi e abusi di un concetto", Torino, Einaudi, 2015

Cristiana PULCINELLI, "AIDS. Breve Storia di una malattia che ha cambiato il mondo", Roma, Carocci, 2018

Riccardo CHIABERGE, "1918: la grande epidemia. Quindici storie della febbre spagnola", Torino, UTET, 2016

Laura SPINNEY, "1918. L'influenza spagnola. La pandemia che cambiò il mondo", Venezia, Marsilio, 2018

Robert JUNGK, "Gli apprendisti stregoni. Dilemmi e contraddizioni degli scienziati nucleari", Milano, PGreco, 2015 (ristampa di "Gli apprendisti stregoni. Storia degli scienziati atomici", Torino, Einaudi: tutte le edizioni Einaudi dal 1958 al 1982 possono essere utilizzate).

Lanfranco BELLONI, "Da Fermi a Rubbia. Storia e politica di un successo mondiale della scienza italiana", Milano, Rizzoli, 1987

Simone TURCHETTI, "Il caso Pontecorvo. Fisica nucleare, politica e servizi di sicurezza nella guerra fredda", Milano, Sironi, 2007

Andrea CANDELA, "Storia ambientale dell’energia nucleare. Gli anni della contestazione", Milano - Udine, Mimesis, 2017

Paolo MAGIONAMI, "Gli anni della Luna 1950-1982: l’epoca d’oro della corsa allo spazio", Milano, Springer Italia, 2009

Walter CUNNINGHAM, "I ragazzi della Luna", a cura di Giovanni Caprara, Milano, Mursia, 2009 [4a edizione, 2017]

Giuseppe O. LONGO, "Il nuovo Golem: come il computer cambia la nostra cultura", Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2014 (disponibile anche e-book)

Sam WILLIAMS, "Storia dell’intelligenza artificiale. La battaglia per la conquista della scienza del XXI secolo", Milano, Garzanti, 2003

Luciano FLORIDI, "La quarta rivoluzione, come l’infosfera sta trasformando il mondo", Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 2017

Luca TOMASSINI, "L’innovazione non chiede il permesso. Costruire il domani digitale", Milano, Franco Angeli, 2018

Massimo GAGGI, "Homo Premium. Come la tecnologia ci divide", Bari – Roma, Laterza, 2018

Edoardo BONCINELLI, "Il posto della scienza, Realtà, miti, fantasmi", Milano, Mondadori, 2004

Federico DI TROCCHIO, "Le bugie della scienza. Perché e come gli scienziati imbrogliano", Milano, Mondadori, 1993

Guido SILVESTRI, "Il virus buono. Perchè il nemico della salute può diventare il nostro migliore alleato", Milano, Rizzoli, 2019

Paolo VINEIS, Luca SAVARINO "La salute del mondo : ambiente, società, pandemie", Milano, Feltrinelli 2021.

Rino RAPPUOLI, Lisa VOZZA, "I vaccini dell'era globale: come affrontare con sicurezza ed efficacia le pandemie del nostro tempo", Bologna, Zanichelli, 2021.

Kevin DAVIES, "Riscrivere l'umanità: la rivoluzione CRISPR e la nuova era dell'editing genetico", Milano, Raffaelo Cortina, 2021.

Walter ISAACSON, "Decifrare la vita. Jennifer Doudna, la scienziata Premio Nobel che ha rivoluzionato l'editing genetico", Milano, Mondadori, 2021.

NB: it is possible to propose to the teacher a text of your choice not present in this list, motivating the choice and the proposal with the intention of study in depth a particular topic linked to the course contents.

The complete study of the teaching material is also required (slides of the lessons and text files - in pdf and multimedia format) which will be made available on the e-learning website.


Teaching methods:

The course consists of 68 hours of lectures, including 12 hours of seminars, distributed within the general part of the course in order to study in deep specific topics. Moreover, symposia, conferences and meetings of particular interest will be reported to the students for the topics covered in class. During the lectures and the seminars, interaction with the students will be constantly encouraged, through moments of discussion and shared analysis of the problems faced, in order to stimulate curiosity and intellectual vivacity, in addition to developing the capacity for critical analysis and an interdisciplinary approach.

The lecturer will receive the students at his office at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, Campus Bizzozero, Padiglione Rossi, via O. Rossi 9 in Varese (ground floor)