Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND BUSINESS LAW
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours)

This advanced course of the Master's Degree in Economics, Law and Finance assumes some basic knowledge of Financial Statement, Finance and Control. In case the student does not possess the required skills, the course lecturers will provide him/her with some necessary and sufficient materials to fill the knowledge gaps.

Final Examination: 

The examination for 'attending' students consists of a single written general examination, to be taken in the end-of-course roll call (May 2025) or in the roll calls of the 1st exam session at the end of the course (June/July 2025). Attendance status lapses outside these calls.
For those attending, all material uploaded on the course webpage and chapters 1-5-6-8 (EVA only)-9-11-12-13 of the adopted volume by R. Simons will be tested.
The written tests consist of a number of exercises and theory questions formulated in different ways (multiple-choice, true-false, open-ended questions), for a maximum duration of 2h. The exercises allow the teacher to check the student's level of learning with regard to the ability to analyse and process data relating to concrete business situations, while the theory questions are used to test knowledge of concepts, definitions and models. The tests have a maximum mark of 31/30.
Defining the grade:
For the assignment of the final grade, the following will be assessed:
 The general test (with a weight of 70% on the overall assessment);
 The group assignments (one in the first part of the course and one in the second part, each weighing 15% of the overall assessment).

For "non-attending" students, all material uploaded on the course webpage and chapters 1-2-3-4-5-6-8 (EVA only)-9-11-12-13 of the adopted volume by R. Simons will be tested. Also for non-attending students (students who have not done the assignments), the exam is written and has the same structure as the exam for attending students, exercises and theory questions.

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn how effective "measurement systems" can be designed and implemented to support the formulation of business strategies and control performance at different levels of the organisation in complex companies.

The course is divided into three complementary teaching blocks: 1) The analysis of the relationships between strategy, organization and performance in complex enterprises; 2) Measurement tools for the evaluation of strategic alternatives and economic accountability; 3) Measurement tools for monitoring the performance of individual managers and businesses.

PART 1 - The analysis of the relationships between strategy, organization and performance in complex enterprises
- Complex enterprises: strategy, organization and performance
- Assessing the health of a company through financial statement data
- Performance measurement systems (SMP) to support the strategic management and economic empowerment of managers

PART 2 - Measurement tools for assessing strategic alternatives and economic accountability:
- Assessing the feasibility and sustainability of a future strategy through the Profit Plan tool: the profit wheel, the cash wheel, and the ROE wheel
- Empowering managers to achieve short-term objectives through the master budget tool: operating budgets, financial budgets and balance sheets

PART 3 - Measurement tools for assessing the performance of individual managers and businesses
- Assessing the profitability of a business through Variance Analysis: assessing competitive effectiveness and evaluating operational efficiency
- The link between strategy and performance measures: the Balanced Scorecard, advantages and limitations
- Measuring divisional performance: Economic Profit and Economic Value Added (EVA)
- Identification and management of business risks: types of risk, internal pressures, internal control system
- Sustainability and performance measurement systems: sustainability report and integrated report.

Lectures, exercises and business cases discussions. Attending students will be asked to carry out two group assignments that will be assigned by the lecturers. The projects will be assessed and will contribute to the final exam grade, as specified below