Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND BUSINESS LAW
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours)

The course has no specific prerequisites

Final Examination: 

Learning will be assessed through a final oral examination. The questions, which will focus on the topics covered in the classroom, will be aimed at assessing the level of knowledge of labour law topics and institutes and the ability to exercise skills and competences in order to develop economic and legal reasoning in response to the various production and organisational needs that may arise in business contexts.

Voto Finale

The course frames labour law as a law aimed at protecting the weaker party to the employment contract and at the same time as a law which, regulating the use of labour as a factor of production, guarantees the utmost possible efficiency of production in the economic system.
Against this background, the course aims to provide students with knowledge, skills and competences for the correct exercise of individual autonomy within the framework defined by legal and collective agreement regulations and the economic-productive needs to which management choices respond.

To this end, the main regulations and institutes of labour law will be examined in depth, also with reference to the challenges posed by a changing world of work, particularly due to the digital transition (digitalisation; Industry 4.0; Artificial Intelligence and algorithms, etc.).

Expected results:
Knowledge, comprehension and analysis skills: students acquire specific knowledge of the fundamental institutes of labour law and the main employment contracts.
Applied knowledge skills: students acquire the necessary skills to analyse the regulatory and contractual-collective framework allowing them to respond to specific production and organisational needs of the business and to orient themselves in this context in order to make optimal choices from an economic and legal point of view.
Communication skills: students acquire an awareness of the legal language and learn to argue their own positions with respect to the issues dealt with and the cases brought to their attention.

Labour, law and the (employment) contract.
The sources of labour law and industrial relations systems.
Employment, self-employment and productive organisation.
Job positions, duties and professionalism.
Working-time regulation.
The open-ended contract.
The fixed-term contract.
Part-time and on-call employment contracts.
Traineeships and apprenticeships.
Teleworking and smart working.
Algorithmic management.
The porosity between professional and private life in the age of social media.

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The course involves an alternation of face-to-face lectures and of case analyses and practical exercises, in which students will be able to exercise the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the solution of case studies prepared by the teacher.

Further materials will be provided via the e-learning platform.


