- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The course requires knowledge and skills in cytology, histology and molecular biology from a first level degree course in Biology or Biotechnology.
Exam sessions are scheduled in agreement with that provided by the Degree Course.
The verification of learning includes the presentation of a scientific article inherent to the topic of the course, and an oral exam during which the acquired knowledge and skills will be evaluated.
The grade, expressed out of thirty, is calculated as the sum of the scores of the presentation of the scientific article (maximum 15 points) and that of the oral exam (maximum 15 points).
The criteria used to evaluate the article presentation are clarity of exposition and understanding of the article. The criteria used for the evaluation of the oral test are the adequacy of the answers, the terminology used in the answers and the ability to link the topics together.
The course aims to give students an in-depth knowledge of cellular pathways in some processes underlying life, such as reproduction, cell differentiation, ageing, cell homeostasis, circadian rhythms and tissue regeneration, and how this knowledge can be applied to the field of environmental sustainability.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Integrate and adequately understand the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of cell biology and their applicability in environmental sustainability.
2. Integrate the acquired knowledge and skills to develop autonomous understanding of cellular processes and their applicability in environmental sustainability.
3. Acquire the ability to adequately communicate the acquired knowledge and skills to expert and non-expert people, in a clear and correct way and with appropriate and updated terminology.
4. To examine and understand scientific texts, to use an appropriate technical/scientific language and a correct and rigorous study method.
The course deals with the cell biology of reproduction, stem cells, cell differ-entiation, cell homeostasis and ageing through the study of the following topics:
-Hormones, growth and reproduction factors.
-Determination of sex
-Environmental causes of infertility
-Embryonic, adult and fetal stem cells
-Induced pluripotent stem cells
-Potential and therapeutic limits of stem cells
-Cloning techniques and their impact on animal welfare
-Cellular processes of differentiation of striated muscle cells (skeletal, cardiac), neuronal cells and hepatocytes.
-Cellular processes of ageing, with particular attention to those of striated muscle cells (skeletal, cardiac), neuronal cells and hepatocytes.
-Homeostasis and hormesis and the factors that influence them (e.g. diet, physical activity, exposure to environmental factors, such as toxic substances, radiation, temperature and water).
-Circadian rhythms and the factors that influence them (e.g. nutrition, physical activity and stress).
Teaching activities include lectures that will be carried out with the help of classroom presentations. Furthermore, the lecturer will stimulate the students to actively participate in the lessons through questions that aim to lead the students to process the information acquired during the course.
The lecturer is available for student meetings, for further study and for clarification of the topics covered. Appointments can be requested by e-mail (roberto.papait@uninsubria.it).