Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in CHEMICAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 

There are no pre-requisite constrains. The basic concepts of General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry are recommended. Understanding of the written English language is intended to be established.

Final Examination: 

The verification is divided into two tests, one relating to the Safety Module and the other to the Quality Module
To pass both tests, the student must demonstrate adequate theoretical knowledge of the topics covered, ability to make calculations and ability to properly expose the knowledge acquired. The answers will positively evaluate the completeness and synthesis in the presentation of the topics also using diagrams, graphs and illustrations.
Passing the exam is linked to the positive outcome (minimum assessment of 18 thirtieths) of both tests scheduled for each of the two modules. The final evaluation will be the average of the evaluations of the two tests, provided that both are sufficient.

More specifically:

Safety Module
Final written exam. The exam will focus on at least 3 questions related to the course program to define the level of learning and the ability to understand the topics, the terminological property, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, as well as obviously the communication skills in relation to the theoretical bases of the prevention and risk assessment for health and the environment.

To pass the test, the student must demonstrate adequate theoretical knowledge of the topics covered and the ability to properly expose the knowledge acquired. The answers will positively evaluate the completeness and synthesis in the presentation of the topics also using diagrams, graphs and illustrations.
Passing the exam is linked to the positive outcome (minimum assessment of 18 thirtieths) of the test.

More specifically, a final written test will be carried out to evaluate the learning outcomes, consisting of 6 open-ended questions covering all the topics covered in the course; each correct and complete answer is evaluated 5 points. The candidate, having read the overall assessment, can agree with the Professor on an oral exam on a date to be defined.
The time set for the written test is one hour.

Quality module
Final oral exam. The exam will focus on at least 3 questions related to the course program to define the level of learning and the ability to understand the topics, the terminological property, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, as well as obviously the communication skills in relation to the theoretical bases of the prevention and risk assessment for health and the environment.

To pass the test, the student must demonstrate adequate theoretical knowledge of the topics covered and the ability to properly expose the knowledge acquired. The answers will positively evaluate the completeness and synthesis in the presentation of the topics also using diagrams, graphs and illustrations. Passing the exam is linked to the positive outcome (minimum assessment of 18 thirtieths) of the test.

The time set for the oral test is 30 minute.

Voto Finale


Safety module
The course aims to provide students with the skills useful to carry out a risk assessment for workers exposed to chemical, physical and biological
hazards; as well as to carry out experimental monitoring and analysis for risk management actions.

Quality module
The course aims to provide a comprehensive approach to the topic of quality and quality management systems, to guide the student to understand the drivers of quality and to contextualize the topics of quality

1. know the concepts of safety and prevention as regards the formal, regulatory and substantive aspects
2. know the main environmental (chemical, physical and biological) risk agents and the methods of exposure to these risk agents in the living and working environments
3. know the main study methods (sampling, monitoring, analysis, and exposure assessment) for these the risk factors;
4. know the principles of risk assessment and the main implementation measures for the protection of human health and the environment

Introduction to Quality [2 hours]
The History of Quality [4 hours]
Standardization for Quality [4 hours]
The Quality Organization [4 hours]
The Quality System [4 hours]
Quality Improvement [4 hours]
Application cases [2 hours]

General concepts of prevention [2 hours]
Concepts of hazard, exposure, risk and harm [2 hours]
Chemical risk: classification of risk agents (CLP); risk assessment process [2 hours]
TLV and limit values; [2 hours]
Chemical / physical / biological risks in the workplace [2 hours]
Environmental monitoring: sampling strategies [2 hours]
Environmental monitoring: Gas and Vapors; environmental monitoring: dusts and aerosols [2 hours]
Other environmental monitoring systems [2 hours]
Biological monitoring [2 hours]
Risk assessment with algorithms and models[2 hours]
REACH, CLP and GHS regulations. Chemical Safety Assessment, Chemical [2 hours]
Safety Report, Exposure Scenario, DNEL and DMEL. [4 hours]

Frontal teaching, with slide support. Case studies and real case-studies are presented for all topics.

Students can meet with the professor by previous phone or email appointment

Prof. Cavallo is available in the classroom before and after the lessons and in his office (DiSAT, Floor 1 “Cubo” building in via Valleggio 9, Como), by appointment by request by e-mail (domenico.cavallo@uninsubria.it)