Minimal knowledge of the basis of the biology
A multiple choice test of 31 questions with 4 answers of which 1 right.
Study of the mitosis and the meiosis. Study of the macromolecules of life with particular interest in DNA (Structure and replication), RNA (transcription) and the mechanism of the translation. At the end of the couse the student need to acquire the concets cited above. The genetic basis of hereditary applied on genealogical trees
The macromolecules of life. Eukariotic and prokariotic cells. Aploid and diploid organisms. Cellular replication: mitosis and meiosis. Examples of cellular cicles. DNA: From the discover to the structure. RNA: THe transcription. The ribosomes and the translation mechanism. Chromatin and chromsome structure. Introduction to the mutations.The genetic basis of the hereditary applied to the genealogical trees
Frontal lessons.