- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
It is necessary that the student knows basic principles of microeconomics.
The course is held in Italian, therefore is required a sufficient level of understanding of the Italian language.
The final exam, lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes, is in written form. The first part consists of 12 multiple choice questions (correct answer +1 point; incorrect answer -0.25 points; non-answer 0 points); while the second part consists of the interpretation of two graphs among those seen at lectures (4 points max. for each exercise), a short exercise (2 points max) and two longer exercises (each of them evaluated with a score ranging from 0 to 5). The exam is passed if the number of correct answers in multiple choice questions is at least 6 AND points obtained in graphs interpretation is at least 1 AND points obtained summing scores in the three exercises is at least 2. In all other cases, you have to retake the exam.
The principal aim of the course is to provide basic principles of the functioning of government revenues and expenditures, the structure of fiscal policies, the economic ratio behind choices and their consequences in distributive terms and regarding inequalities.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- evaluate fiscal policies under economic efficiency and equity,
- provide justification of the economic mechanism behind fiscal policies,
- compare different tax-benefit systems and calculate some results for simplified scenarios.
1. Introduction to public economics, Positive and normative analysis
2. Public goods, redistribution
3. Governmental budget, EU parameters, deficit
4. Pensions
5. Tax definition and definition of the tax base
6. Income tax
7. Capital taxes
8. VAT and excises
1. Introduction to public economics, Positive and normative analysis
2. Public goods, redistribution
3. Governmental budget, EU parameters, deficit
4. Pensions
5. Tax definition and definition of the tax base
6. Income tax
7. Capital taxes
8. VAT and excises
The course is divided into lectures and lessons with exercises, both provided with didactic material uploaded by instructors.
Office hours: