Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Como
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Como - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

It’necessary to know the main facts and events of Roman history. In order to do it, we suggest AA.VV., Nuove questioni di storia antica, Milano 1969, 926 ss. Any additional information will given during the lessons and published on the e-learning platform.

Final Examination: 

The verification consists in a final oral examination based on three questions (moving from a general topic towards a peculiar one, by increasing the degree of specificity) and it will concern: 1) public and constitutional Roman law 2) sources of law in Roman history 3) history of ancient Como. The examination aims to underline the student’s skill in evaluating Roman juridical method and solutions, and offers the opportunity to verify the degree of application of general guidelines of public and constitutional Roman law in a comparative perspective with modern law.

Voto Finale

The teaching aims to form a modern jurist, who is supposed to know values and interests involved in the legal norms. The exposition of main public and constitutional legal institution of ancient Roman law intends to strenghten historical and juridical background and, moreover, to stimulate a deep and wide intellectual journey so that critical thinking skills can be developed towards law, its proposals, methods and solutions. The student is supposed to know public and constitutional ancient Roman law, both as body of bodies and powers starting from the origins of Rome to the reign of Justinian emperor, including the sources of law for the same period.

Given few hints about the utility of Roman law for a modern jurist, the course analyzes public and constitutional ancient Roman law, including the sources, starting from the foundation of Rome to the reign of emperor Justinian (VI century). The course program is the following: 1. Ancient Roman law and its method. 2. The origins and the foundation of Rome. 3. The primordial political organization. 4. The sources of law in archaic era. 5. The Roman republic: political body, its skills and functions. 6. XII Tabulae. 7. The patrician-plebeian state (magistratures, people and its assemblies, Senate). 8. The expansion of Rome (foedus, municipia, coloniae and provinciae). 9. The sources of law during the Roman republic (lex, ius honorarium, ius gentium, iurisprudentia). 10. The crisis of city-state: the phase of the tribunes of the plebs (Gracchi and others); the senatorial phase (Silla); the phase of personal power (Pompeius and Caesar). 11.The Augustan constitution and the foundation of the princedom. 12. The sources of law during the princedom. 13. The absolute monarchy and the Dominatus: Severi, Diocletianus and Constantinus. 14. The sources of law in the postclassical era: leges and iura. 15. The Roman-barbarian law. 16. The Justinian compilation. 17. Roman law after Justinian emperor.

One among (last edition available):
A. Public and constitutional Roman law:
1) V. ARANGIO RUIZ, Storia del diritto romano, Jovene, Napoli.
2) P. DE FRANCISCI, Sintesi storica del diritto romano, Bulzoni, Roma.
3) G. SCHERILLO - A. DELL’ORO, Manuale di storia del diritto romano, Cisalpino , Milano.
4) AA.VV., Lineamenti di storia del diritto romano (dir. M. Talamanca), Giuffrè, Milano.
5) F. AMARELLI, L. DE GIOVANNI, P. GARBARINO, A. SCHIAVONE, U. VINCENTI, Storia del diritto romano, Giappichelli, Torino.
6) P. CERAMI, A. CORBINO, A. METRO, G. PURPURA, Storia del diritto romano, Torre, Catania.
7) G. FRANCIOSI, Manuale di storia del diritto romano, Jovene, Napoli.
8) G. GROSSO, Lezioni di storia del diritto romano, Giappichelli, Torino
9) F. COSTABILE, Storia del diritto pubblico romano, Iiriti, Reggio Calabria
B. Como ancient history:
G. LURASCHI, Storia di Como antica, Ed. New Press, Como 1997, with particular attention to:
- Como 2050: origini di una città, pagg. 3-11.
- Nuove riflessioni sugli aspetti giuridici della romanizzazione in Transpadania, pagg. 273-299.
- La Lex Vatinia de colonia Comum deducenda, pagg. 303-335.
- Le due fondazioni di Como, pagg. 383-398.
- Aspetti giuridici e storici della fondazione di Novum Comum, pagg. 423-457.


The course will take 50 hours of frontal lessons in the second semester.

The professor is always available after the lessons. To get an appointment, mail to: For the thesis, it’s required a solid classic preparation.