Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

Knowledge of Zoology, particularly of Vertebrates, General Ecology and Ecology, for the purpose of fruitful learning in the course of the course, is needed for the taxonomic determinations and the biological characteristics of the species that contribute to understanding the various habitat-specific interaction modes and specificities management and conservation. It is also necessary to understand the English language to be used for reading extracts from publications, scientific texts, and manual specifications.
There are no constraints on propedeuticity.

Final Examination: 

The final test is an oral examination. The student will answer and elaborate on some questions (one of which on a subject of choice) based on the course syllabus, both on general topics and on specific methodologies.
The final examination is aimed at assessing the achievement of the learning objectives defined above, first evaluating the comprehension of basig general concepts, then delving further into the ability to use thrm to solve real-world issues.
The final score (expressed in marks out of 30) will be based on comprehension (30%), capacity to apply theoretical concepts to real cases (30%), autonomy of judgement (20%) and communication skills (20%).

Voto Finale

The course will contribute to providing and completing the information needed to provide an adequate knowledge of the biology of animal and plant living organisms, including issues related to their conservation and sustainable management.
The general objectives of the course are: I) to acquire the critical evaluation tools to obtain an adequate understanding of the interactions between the biotic components II) to acquire the critical evaluation tools to obtain an adequate knowledge of the issues of management and conservation of wildlife III ) apply synergistically the biological-naturalistic knowledge with the other disciplines IV) enhance their dissemination skills by exploiting the acquired knowledge.
Knowledge will be provided on historical evolution, the fundamentals and purpose of fauna management and the necessary concepts such as interpretative keys to the role of fauna management in terms of habitat modification and the structure of ecological networks.

Historical evolution, foundations and aims of conservation of biocenosis and biodiversity (8 hours)
Conservation of biodiversity
Analysis and conservation (protection and management) of biocenosis and biodiversity
Values ​​of biodiversity
Loss of sub-alpha biodiversity (Reduction of Genetic Variability) and small populations
Actual size of populations
Heterozygosis, fitness and inbreeding depression
Minimum Vital Population (MVP), Metapopulation and Population Vitality Analysis (PVA)
Conservation strategies in protected areas (Parks and Reserves)

National and international biodiversity and fauna management, Environmental Guidelines and Technical Guidelines (8 hours)
EEC Directive 79/409 (Conservation of Wild Birds) and EEC Directive 92/43 (Conservation of Natural Habitats ...) - Natura 2000 Network
Sites of Community Importance
Special Protection Zone
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Incidence Assessment Studies
Invasive species and impact on biodiversity and European regulations
Ecological networks and conservation of ecosystems
The CITES Convention and the Influence of Animal Trade on Conservation and Management of Species.

The role of protected areas in management and conservation (6 hours)
General principles, techniques and purposes
Identification criteria and types of classification at international, national and regional level
National and regional regulations on protected areas and international regulations on environmental and fauna conservation

Hunting and control in the field of fauna management (8 hours)
General principles, techniques and purposes
Technical-scientific aspects for the fauna and hunting of the territory
Regulatory aspects in the faunistic-hunting context
Management strategies for different species of Ungulates

Conservation and management of terrestrial vertebrate and invertebrates populations (16)
General principles, techniques and purposes
Management, tracking and monitoring techniques
Conservation issues
Instrumental and theoretical aspects of the fauna survey
Critical analysis and planning of input interventions
Protocols and models for environmental assessment of the territory

Conservation and communication: the perception of fauna and the consequences on management (2 hours)

Conservation Biology for All (N.S. Sodhi & P.R.Ehrlich, 2010)

Conservazione della Natura e Gestione delle aree protette. (D. Russo & C. Sulli) Liguori Editore.

Dispense e slides oltre ad eventuali altri sussidi didattici messi a disposizione dello studente dal docente (sul sito e-learning).

Conservation Biology for All ( N.S. Sodhi & P.R.Ehrlich, 2010)

Lecture notes and slides (pdf format) as well as any other teaching aids made ​​available to the student by the teacher (published on Insubria e-learning web site) .

Front-end lessons with practical exemplifications. The purpose of the exemplifications is to develop the analytical capacity and understanding of specific competences acquired by evaluating the resolution of specific management and conservation issues.
Specific group work will also be organized with the aim of enhancing their dissemination skills by exploiting the acquired knowledge.

The teacher in charge is always available, subject to the arrangement of an appointment by e-mail.
At students request, the teacher will use the first part of a lecture to clarify or elaborate on previous lectures topics. It is also possible to ask for elucidations during the lectures.
The use of the e-learning platform (forums, glossaries) is highly recommended to share among students any requested issue.