Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Basic concepts of microeconomics

Students will be evaluated through a written exam, with multiple choice questions and exercises. The exam will last 60 minutes

Students can choose to split the exam in two part, one in the middle of the course and one at the end of the lectures.

There are no other ways for students to be evaluated.

The wriiten exam, if this is chosen by the Lecturer, can be held trough IT equipments (PCs), which will be provided by the University

Voto Finale

The course is meant to be an introduction to the study of Macroeconomics. The course will provide students with the tools to understand the trend of the most relevant macroeconomic variables and the links among the different sectors of an economic system, by analysing the role of the markets and institutions which operate in such system.

First part (40 hours)
**Introduction to macroeconomics: basic concepts in macroeconomics concepts, what the models and macroeconomics variables explain, national accountability, time in macroeconomics
**Macroeconomic variables and dynamics in a closed economy
•The goods market
•The financial market
•The goods market and the financial market: the system equilibrium through the model IS-LM model and the extended IS-LM model
•The labor market
•The Phillips curve, the natural unemployment rate and the inflation rate
•The construction of the IS-LM-PC model

Second part (40 hours)
**Macroeconomic variables and dynamics in an open economy
•The opening of the goods and financial markets and the exchange rates
•The goods market in an open economy
•Production, interest rates and exchange rates
•The monetary policy
**Economic growth, quality of life and wellbeing: new approaches and indicators
** Technological progress and growth in the short, medium and long term

Lectures and references to the chapters of the reference text. The order of the lessons and the topics may undergo changes in relation to classroom work.

Introduction: Cap 1 and 2
The goods market. Cap 3
Financial markets. Cap 4
The goods market and the financial markets: the balance of the system expressed through the IS-LM model. Cap 5
Financial markets: the extended IS-LM model. Cap.6
The labor market. Cap.7
The Phillips curve, the natural unemployment rate and inflation. Cap 8
The construction of the IS-LM-PC model. Cap.9
The opening of goods and financial markets and exchange rates. Cap.17
The open-market goods market. Cap.18
Production, interest rate and exchange rate. Cap.19
Monetary policy. Cap 23
Economic growth, standard of living and well-being. Cap 10
Technological progress and callenges to growth. Cap.12 and chap.13

2 lectures about:
- the role played by expectations in macroeconomics
- the European Union


lectures hold by the lecturer + tutorials hold by the tutor

The course is made by "face to face" lectures+ slides. During the lecture students are encouraged to interact with the lecturer through questions and comments

During the lectures students will be shown empirical examples and numerical exercizes which will allow students to understand better the tools of macroeconomics

Please note that, since the course is in part time mode, the lectures must be integrated with the reading of the chapters of the textbook and with other supplementary materials that will be uploaded gradually on the web site of the course. All materials represent part of the program of study. Please note also that many of the integrative documents present data and examples linked to the lessons issues and, therefore, have the function of facilitating the understanding of the various topics addressed from the theoretical point of view in class and on the textbook. Training materials will also be made available on the platform for individual exercise.

The text book for the course is reported on web page of the library "Leganto" and on the e-learning webpage of the course
