Written test and oral exam. In order to pass the written test , the student must obtain a minimum score of 6/10. The exam will focus on the program of the of integrated course.
Learning of the pathophysiological processes of organs or systems.
Pathophysiology of atherosclerosis, lipid metabolism.
pathophysiology of the liver and hemostasis
pathophysiology of the kidney
liver, kidney, lipid metabolism, atherosclerosis
Sabiston, Textbook of Surgery, ed. Saunders
R.Dionigi: Chirurgia, Ed. Elsevier,2017
Giulio Carcano & Renzo Dionigi: Principi di tecnica chirurgica, Ed.Masson,1999
Giulio Carcano & Renzo Dionigi: Le ferite, Ed. Masson, 1998
L.H, Cohn, L.H.Edmunds Jr – CARDIAC SURGERY IN THE ADULT - Mc Graw Hill, 2003
C. Beghi - Dispensa delle lezioni di Cardiochirurgica (available on Cardiochirurgia-Insubria)