The assessment of learning will be carried out through a written exam (with multiple choice and semi structured questions) regarding the contents discussed during the lessons.
The course aims to provide students with the basics of Tchoukball sport.
Specifically, at the end of the course, the Student will be able to:
- contextualize the sporting discipline at a historical level;
- identify and create suitable exercises for the technical movements of sport;
- understand the effectiveness of promoting this sport within a school and extracurricular sports environment.
During the course the origins of sport and its evolution up to the present day will be discussed.
The regulation, technique and tactics will be studied in depth both in relation to a school and extra-curricular context.
The performance model of sport will be analyzed in order to provide the student with the basic information to be able to plan a sport-specific training session.
Finally, the student will be able to understand the referee language and to draw up a match report by observing a match.
Students will mainly be provided with slides
The course is divided into remote lessons with the use of images, videos and diagrams.
The projection of film will make it easier to understand the development of some purely practical activities, which cannot be carried out directly on the field.