To access teaching, the student must possess acquired knowledge and skills
in previous teachings, concerning human anatomy and biomechanics, as well as the basics of physiology and training methodology.
The assessment of learning will be carried out through a written exam with multiple choice and semi-structured questions, regarding the contents discussed during the lessons.
The teaching activity aims to provide students with the basics of knowledge of rugby, understood as notional knowledge of culture and history, as well as learning the different skills according to the age of the athlete, they will be able to evaluate the training methods with respect to physiology and peculiar technical gestures of rugby
Expected Learning Outcomes
Specifically, at the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. present the history and culture of rugby;
2. discuss rugby technique and physical skills;
3. recognize physical, emotional and cognitive training methods and tools;
4. apply means and methods of physical, emotional and cognitive training
5. recognize the capabilities of the athlete or the work group
The teaching activity specifically concerns the following topics:
- the history and basic notions of rugby 15, rugby 7 and rugby 13;
- motor training understood as general physiology of sport and in the knowledge of technical gestures
- youth rugby and the importance of cognitive and affective training
- the physical training of the individual athlete understood as means and methods
- knowledge of traumas, injuries and safety protocols
- history, geography and culture of rugby.
students will be provided with course slides uploaded to the university's E-learning platform
The teaching is offered through distance learning lessons conducted by the teacher with the use of
supporting materials (slides and videos)
The material presented in class is made available on the university's e-learning page.
Students are asked to proceed systematically with the independent study of the slides