Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Movement science
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

Conoscenze di base di chimica e biochimica. Conoscenza della struttura e delle funzioni della cellula.

Due to the pandemic event the exam will be carried out using the Teams platform

Students, by registering for the exam session through the usual procedure, automatically accept
to carry out the examination test electronically and the code of honor and rules of conduct
The student must read the general indications given in the paragraph General indications of the guidelines for
students and set up the workstation according to the instructions given by the teacher. Use of two devices.

the written test will be carried out through Quiz-Moodle

On the day of the exam, you must show your university card or a non-expired identity document with identification photo.
The student will initially have to face a written evaluation and then an oral exam to evaluate the skills understood and acquired relating to the topics related to the course program.
The test consists of 30 multiple choice questions, to be solved in 30 minutes. The questions will be related above all to the osteoarthromyology and neuroanatomy program to define the degree of knowledge (30%), the ability to apply knowledge and understanding (35%) and the learning ability (35%) in relation to the course program.
To be eligible to take the oral exam it is necessary to have correctly answered at least 18 questions. The grade obtained will be used to make the average with the oral grade.
The oral exam consists of questions related to the course program of the CI to define the ability to understand (20%), the ability to apply knowledge and understanding (20%), the autonomy of judgment (10%), the ability to learn (20%) and communication skills (30%).
Single final mark out of thirty for the C.I. obtained from the average of the written grade with the oral grade.
The commission will be composed of at least two teachers.
Due to the Covid emergency. 19 the exams will be carried out electronically
Read the Guidelines for conducting remote exams.
During the exam the student:
does not make use of any external aid or support, be it paper or electronic (eg: manuals,
handouts, own papers, books, publications, mobile phones, handheld computers or other devices
electronic), does not contact or attempt to contact other people in any way;
For the written test the moodle quiz program will be used.
It is necessary to set up the workstation for the written test with two devices (1 mobile phone + fixed or portable PC) tablet is not recommended.
During the written test:
the mobile phone must be connected in teams with microphone and camera on positioned at least one and a half meters away from the candidate so that it frames the candidate, the PC screen and the surrounding environment.
Make sure the room lighting is correct, not too dark, but not too bright either.
The pc will be connected to e.learning with the screen of the task to be performed.
At any time during the rehearsal, the commission may request to check the 360-degree view of the room to ensure that there is no presence of other people.
Anyone who has problems setting up the station will have to inform the chairman, only for very valid reasons will a setting up method other than the one requested be accepted
Violation of the rules defined above or of any other provisions indicated by the teacher
In any case, it involves the cancellation of the test and the ex officio sending of a report to the President
of Degree Program / Department Director in order to evaluate the possible disbursement to
student transgressor of the disciplinary sanctions provided for in Article 28 of the University Regulations for
the students.

Voto Finale

Learning the structural organization of the human body from the macroscopical to the microscopical point of view with their anatomical-clinical applications. Recognize the morphological characteristics of systems, organs, tissues, cells and subcellular structures of human organism. with references to hints of Embryology.

Cytology: Introduction to the cell
Histology: Epithelial tissue; Connective tissue; blood: plasma and blood cells; Muscle: striated, smooth, cardiac; Nervous tissue

Cardiovascular and lymphatic system with references to hints of Embryology.
Respiratory system
Digestive apparatus
Urinary system
Male and female reproductive system (mentions)
Endocrine system

General organization of nervous system, with references to hints of Embryology.
Central Nervous System: Spinal chord: white and grey matter; ascending and descending tracts. Encephalic trunk: encephalic nerves (III-XII) nuclei, reticular formation. Cerebellum: functional subdivisions. Cortex. Diencephalum: talamus, hypotalamus, epytalamus. Telencephalus: structure and lobular subdivision. Basal ganglia and internal capsule. Cortical areas of Broadman, motor and sensibility ways. Olphactory and gustative ways (mentions) Meninx, liquor and ventricular system. Willis circle and cerebral circulation. Ear and vestibular apparatus; acoustic ways and vestibular circuits (mentions). Eye and optical ways (mentions).
Peripheral nervous system:
Ganglia: definition and types. Cranial nerves: definition, organization, origin, course and ramifications. Spinal nerves: origin, course, ramifications, plexuses.

Cytology: Introduction to the cell
Histology: Epithelial tissue, Connective tissue, Muscle: striated, smooth, cardiac, Nerve tissue
Morphology, macroscopic architecture, classification of bones.
Skull, axil skeleton, upper and lower extremities.
Classification of joints, articular mechanics. Skull, trunk and extremities joints.
Muscles of head; neck; trunk; abdomen; pelvis; extremities.
Cardiovascular system
Lymphatic system
Respiratory system
Digestive apparatus
Urinary system
Male and female reproductive system
Endocrine system
Central nervous system: principles of structural organization.
Spinal cord: morphology, organization of gray and white matter.
The brain: brainstem, diencephalon, telencephalon, cerebellum.
Nerve pathways of motion (pyramidal, extrapyramidal, visceral motility) and sense (epicritic and protopathic conscious sensitivity, proprioception, visceral sensitivity).
Peripheral nervous system: nerve: definition, ganglia.
Cranial nerves, organization of spinal nerves, nerve plexuses
Sense organs (general)

See principal Course pages.

- Anatomia umana- Martini- EdiSes
- Principi di Anatomia umana - Tortora, Nielsen. Casa editrice Ambrosiana
- Anatomia umana.- Saladin- Ed italiana a cura di De Caro R. Piccin
- Anatomia umana. - Platzer vol 1-2-3- Casa ed. Ambrosiana
- Anatomia e Fisiologia. Thibodeau, Patton. Casa editrice Ambrosiana
- Anatomia dell’uomo. Ambrosi et al. Edi-Ermes
- Anatomia umana. Bareggi et al. Idelson-Gnocchi

due to the pandemic events, the course will be structured with synchronous and asynchronous lessons organized on the microsoft Teams platform. In synchronous mode, the teacher carries out the lesson live using Microsoft Teams by activating the recording of the lesson.
To ensure compliance with the legislation relating to privacy and, in particular the principle of minimization, in this mode of delivery the teacher must ensure compliance with the following rules.
Students do not have to activate the video for the entire duration of the recording and can interact with the teacher preferably in audio or through chat
The material is made available to the student for free consultation and it is absolutely forbidden to disseminate it to third parties who are not authorized to access it and to download it on their device.

the teacher is available for meetings and clarifications by arranging an appointment via email:
