- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Mathematic A and B, Physic
The assessment of the learning is divided into two tests, one written in which the solution of a multiple choice quiz relating to the whole program (20 questions) and simple exercises similar to that proposed in the classroom is required and an oral exam to the whole program.
To pass both tests, the student must demonstrate adequate theoretical knowledge of the topics covered, ability to perform calculations aimed at resolving electricity grids, demonstrating mastery in the use of real and complex notations. The oral exam will assess the ability to properly expose the knowledge acquired. The answers will positively evaluate the completeness and the synthesis in the presentation of the topics also using schemes.
Passing the exam is linked to the positive outcome (minimum assessment of 18/30) of both tests provided for each of the two modules. The final evaluation will be the average of the evaluations of the two tests, provided that both are sufficient.
The course aims to provide students with the notions relating to the main electrical quantities and their units of measurement as well as the tools necessary to analyze and solve elementary circuits in a steady-state, sinusoidal (single phase and tri-phase) and transient regime (first order). The basic notions relating to transport and distribution systems for electrical current and the main components of electrical systems will also be provided.
With regard to problems related to electrical safety, the pathophysiological effects of electrical current on the human body and the main devices that can be used to protect against electrical risks deriving from accidental (direct and indirect) contacts will be described.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. recognize the main bipoles in an electrical diagram
2. determine voltages and currents in the edges of a simple electrical network
3. Apply the main methods of solution of the electricity networks in steady state, sinusoidal and transient (first order)
4. Recognize the main schemes of electrical systems
5. recognize the main components of an electrical system
6. recognize the dangers related to the electric current deriving from accidental contacts
7. recognize the main devices that can be used to protect against accidental contact (direct and indirect)
The topics are:
• DC regime. Definition of electric current and voltage, bipole. Voltage-current characteristic and electric power. Electrical measurements. Ohm's law. Series and parallel of bipoles. Definition of electrical networks, solution of electric networks. Network of bipoles. Kirchhoff's laws. Conservation of power and maximum power transfer. Overlapping effects. Thevenin and Norton equivalent generators.
• AC regime: phasors. Electric power in sinusoidal regime, average and effective value, energy, active, reactive, complex and apparent power. Conservation of power. Bipoles in sinusoidal regime (impedance and admittance). Series and parallel of bipoles, equivalent impedance. AC networks and solution methods. Power measurements in sinusoidal mode.
• Three-phase networks, triplets of balanced and unbalanced tensions and current (outline). Solution through single-phase network. Power factor correction and power measurement (wattmeter in Aron configuration)
• Transient circuit of the first order
• electrical energy distribution systems AAT, AT, MT, BT.
• TT, TN, IT systems. Main components of electrical systems (power lines, transformer, switches, differential, relay, fuse, Thermal magnetic circuit breakers)
• Risks of electric current. Protection against direct and indirect contacts.
• Components for protection. Earth circuit.
Electrical network: G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, A. Stella, Elettrotecnica vol.1 – Principi, Società Editrice Esculapio, 2018, ISBN 9788893850506
Safety and power network: Slides of lessons downloadable from the e-learning website
Lesson material:
downloadable from e-learning website the days after the lesson
Exercise book
• F. Dughiero, E. Sieni, Esercitazioni di elettrotecnica, Libreria Progetto, 2019 (Edizione ridotta per Insubria)
• M. Bagatin, G. Chitarin, D. Desideri, F. Dughiero, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, Esercizi di elettrotecnica. Reti elettriche, Società Editrice Esculapio, 2013, ISBN 9788874885800
• Material in the e-learning website uploaded by the teacher
The course is based on frontal theoretical lessons and classroom exercises with the teacher.
E-learning self-assessment questionnaires.
Students can meet with the professor in her office or in teams by previous email appointment (elisabetta.sieni@uninsubria.it)