- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
No requirements needed.
The exam is an oral interview, which aims at assessing the knowledge of the main topics discussed in the class and included in the reference books. The interview includes - at least - one question on each reference book and - at least - one question on the learning material uploaded to the e-learning platform.
The final grade (out of thirty) is formulated on the basis of:
- accuracy of answers (65%),
- language skills and argumentative capacity (20%),
- critical analysis skills (15%).
The contemporary age reveals a crucial “ambiguity”: the «paradox» of a historical period which, more than any other, is heavily dependent on science but, at the same time, is less at ease with the achievements of science itself and its social, political, and environmental consequences. Twentieth century science and technology seem to stand out for those public controversies that they have frequently triggered. By and large, their development - in the contemporary age - seems to deal with the historical category of “social struggle”, in spite of society has become tightly dependent on sciences. Moreover, it is undoubtedly clear that environmental issues and the "climate crisis" are among the greatest challenges of the 21st century.
The course "Environmental history" aims at increasing students’ knowledge of those key historical factors that have shaped the complex relationship between history, the environment, and society from the early 20th century up to the present. The emphasis will be laid on some emblematic “conflict-based” case studies and on the links existing between "environmental issues, mass media, art and literature". The student will be able to gain knowledge and methodological tools which can be useful to better understand some "environmental topics" of high impact on the contemporary society, such as - for instance - those about climate change, nuclear energy and pollution.
Learning outcomes:
- knowledge of some main issues both of the contemporary debate about ecology/environment and of those social conflicts that it can trigger;
- knowledge of historical and social research methodologies applied to the study of the environment;
- ability to foster an appropriate culture of the environment by means of history and storytelling;
- ability to gain a basic scientific knowledge (in an interdisciplinary perspective) and learning of the corresponding "storytelling strategies";
- public speaking ability, communication and analytical skills.
The course deals with the following topics.
- Main topics and problems of the environmental history;
- Images of science and the environment in the Twentieth-century culture;
- History of the environmental movements (and environmentalism), especially from the "Economic boom" of the Fifties and Sixties to the protests of "Fridays for Future" (environmentalism and pacifism);
- Analysis of some main environmental struggles of the 20th century (the issue of the "environmental justice")
- Interactions between environment, arts and mass media;
- Social history of the car;
- Analysis of some case studies, with an emphasis on some currently relevant environmental issues, such as climate change, nuclear energy, pollution, waste;
- Climate wars and environmental refugees.
SEMINARS AND LAB. (about 16 hours)
Some seminars and workshops are scheduled. They will be given by the teacher and they will be focused on the topic: "Nature writing: the story of nature by means of storytelling".
1. The complete study of the following book is required:
- S. Luzzi, "Il virus del benessere. Ambiente, salute, sviluppo nell’Italia repubblicana", Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
2. and then a book to be chosen between:
- F. Paolini, "Storia sociale dell’automobile in Italia", Carocci, Roma 2007.
- S. Plokhy, "Chernobyl. Storia di una catastrofe nucleare", Bur, Milano 2019.
- G. Mstrojeni e A. Pasini, "Effetto serra, effetto guerra", Chiarelettere, Milano 2017.
- R. Guha, "Ambientalismi. Una storia globale dei movimenti", Linaria, Roma 2016.
- N. Scaffai, "Letteratura e ecologia. Forme e temi di una relazione narrativa", Carocci, Roma 2017.
In the end, it is required the study of the learning material which will be uploaded to the e-learning platform.
The course is scheduled in 48 hours of lectures and about 16 hours of seminars and workshops. Students will also be encouraged to interact each other and with the teacher during the class. Seminars may also be arranged in order to delve more deeply into some key topics.
The professor receives by appointment, that can be scheduled by sending an e-mail to: a.candela@uninsubria.it. Any request for explanations about the lectures and books may also be issued at the end of each lesson.