Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in History and Stories of the Contemporary World
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours)

There is no prerequisite

The only oral oral final check is planned during which the following will be evaluated:
- the ability to properly understand the reading of a text;
- adequate knowledge of examination texts;
- the ability to develop one's own independent critical reflection.
In the course of the oral interview, the acquisition and correct understanding of the contents of the mandatory texts is to be ascertained and studied in full. Specific questions (at least two) will be asked about the contents of the examination texts, which will cover an assessment of the ability of interdisciplinary critical analysis and autonomy of judgment.
In addition, knowledge of the topics covered in the books of your choice (at least one question) will be required.
The final vote will take into account the accuracy and quality of the responses (70%), as well as the communication skills shown during the interview (10%) and the ability to adequately justify claims, analyses and judgments (20%).

Voto Finale

The course aims to define and analyze philosophical reflection with an integrated, historical, philosophical and narrative approach to contemporary, able to deal with, with adequate critical capacity, philosophical themes. For this reason, the course aims to provide the main methodological tools useful for understanding the specific cultural context of the 20th century, fostering a plurality of hermeneutic approaches that, especially in the contemporary age, have philosophical reflection. A special attention will be given to the critical analysis of the texts with the aim of grasping the essential lines, as well as the development of the different conceptual forms and the explicitness of the different categories and the examination of the language used Author taken into account.
Through a direct relationship with the sources (in all its formats) a critical understanding of the texts taken into account is favoured in the learner, favoring a historical and conceptual deepening in comparative and interdisciplinary form as a tool conceptual understanding of the qualifying changes of the contemporary world. This promotes a hermeneutic approach that can adopt forms of analysis and critical skills specific to contemporary philosophical reflection

Learning outcomes include
- knowledge of the conceptual notion of scientific philosophy
- ability to read a text critically, inserting it within its precise theoretical context
- ability to explain the different traditions of thought present within a given theoretical proposal
- ability to grasp the open problems of the texts studied
- ability to apply the acquired knowledge independently, in order to initiate a self-contained critical reflection on the open problems of the contemporary

The course will deal with the theme Materialism and historical-evolutionary epistemology and, specifically, will analyze the following two privileged references: the epistemological reflection elaborated by Lenin in his classic study Materialism and empiriocriticism integrated with the volume of Fabio Minazzi, Epistemologia storico-evolutiva e il neo-realismo logico to specify the following conceptual points: the relationship between appearance and reality; the existence of matter and the nature of matter; idealism; empiricism; induction; a priori knowledge; the problem of universals; intuition; the relationship between truth and falsehood; the limits of scientific knowledge and the value of epistemological reflection; the relationship between science and philosophy; the role of logical inferences; the role of reason as a privileged tool for building critical reflection.

- V. Lenin, Materialismo ed empiriocriticismo, trad. it. di Felice Platone, PGRECO, Milano 2021 (oppure qualunque altra edizione). The reference edition for Lenin's writings are the Polnae sobranie socinenij [Complete Works], 5th ed. Russian Moscow 1958-63, 55 vol., trans. it. Complete works, on the 4th Russian ed. (45 vols. 1941-62), Editori Riuniti, Rome 1955-1971, 45 vols. (In this Italian edition Materialism and Empiriocriticism, in the translation of Felice Platone, is published in vol. XIV, pp. 13-361), ed. in French in 45 vols., in collaboration with the publisher Progrès of Moscow, 1966-70. Other editions, after the original Russian edition of 1909 appeared in the editions "Zveno" and the two subsequent translations into German and English, both of 1927, are those promoted by the Chinese foreign language editions in French, Materialisme et empiriocriticisme, Editions en Language Etrangeres, Pekin 1975 and in English, Materialism and empirio-criticism, Foreing Languages Press, Peking 1976 (2nd ed.).
- F. Minazzi L’epistemologia storico-evolutiva e il neo-realismo logico, Leo S. Olschki, Firenze 2021.
introductory text: - A. Einstein – Leopold Infeld, L'evoluzione della fisica: lo sviluppo delle idee dai concetti iniziali alla relatività e ai quanti, trad. it. di Adele Graziadei, Boringhieri, Torino 1985 (several times reissued).
a text chosen from the following: - Iosif Vissarionovic Stalin, Questioni del leninismo, Edizioni in lingue estere, Mosca 1946 (riedito dalla Feltrinelli Reprint, Milano, s. d.)
- Gustav Andreas Wetter, Il materialismo dialettico sovietico, Einaudi, Torino 1948
- Christopher Hill, Lenin e la rivoluzione russa, Einaudi, Torino 1954
- Autori Vari, Le cinquantenaire de «Materialisme et empiriocriticisme», «Cahiers du communisme», XXXV, 5, 1959;
- Maksim Gorki, Lenin, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1961
- Nikolaj Valentinov, I miei colloqui con Lenin, il Saggiatore di Alberto Mondadori Editore, Milano 1964
- Viktor Serge, Lenin 1917, De Donato, Bari 1969
- Louis Althusser, Lenin e la filosofia, Jaca Book, Milano 1969
- Luciano Gruppi, Il pensiero di Lenin, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1970
- György Lukács, Lenin: unità e coerenza del suo pensiero, Einaudi, Torino 1970
- Lev Trotskij, Il giovane Lenin, Mondadori, Milano 1971
- Anton Pannekoek, Lenin filosofo. Critica ai fondamenti filosofici del leninismo, Feltrinelli, Milano 1972
- Ludovico Geymonat, Lenin: la battaglia del marxismo a favore di una concezione realistica del mondo in L. Geymonat, Storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico, Garzanti, Milano, vol. VI, 1972, pp. 87-121
- Karl Korsch, Dialettica e scienza nel marxismo, ed. it. a cura di Gian Enrico Rusconi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1974
- Autori Vari, Attualità del materialismo dialettico,Editori Riuniti, Roma 1974
- Timpanaro, Sul materialismo, Nistri-Lischi, Pisa 19752, terza edizione riveduta ed ampliata, presso le Edizioni Unicopli, Milano 1997.
- L. Geymonat, Scienza e realismo, Feltrinelli, Milano 1977, II ed., riveduta e ampliata, ivi 1982
- L. Geymonat, Del marxismo. Saggi sulla scienza e il materialismo dialettico, a cura di Mario Quaranta, Bertani Editore, Verona 1987
- ; Vittorio Strada, L’altra rivoluzione. Gor’kij-Bogdanov. La “Scuola di Capri” e la “Costruzione di Dio”, La Conchiglia, Capri 1994
- Daniela Steila, Scienza e rivoluzione. La recezione dell’empiriocriticismo nella cultura russa (1877-1910). Casa Editrice Le Lettere, Firenze 1996
- Fabio Minazzi, Ludovico Geymonat epistemologo,Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2010
- Gor’kij-Bogdanov e la scuola di Capri. Una corrispondenza inedita (1908-1911), a cura di Jutta Scherrer e Daniela Steila, Carocci editore-Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso, Roma 2017
- Victor Serge, Da Lenin a Stalin. 1917-1937. Cronaca di una rivoluzione tradita, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2017


The training objectives of the course will be achieved through the way of the frontal lessons (for a total of 30 hours) which provide for the analytical and collective discussion of the texts taken in direct reference.
