Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in History and Stories of the Contemporary World
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (56 hours), Laboratory (16 hours)


Final Examination: 

The final test of verification consists of an interview and takes place through 5 questions whose answer is rated between 0 and 6 points. A total of 18 points are required to pass the exam.
The questions assess the students' knowledge and preparation on the manual and on reading, both from a mnemonic point of view, and from a critical and logical one, ascertaining the candidates' ability to link the theory learned with current events, and to correlate quantitative and qualitative aspects by grasping the concatenation of causes and effects in territorial analysis.
For students taking part in the excursions, a question on the exam will focus on the field experience and the final papers. Students who will not be able to participate in one or both of the excursions will have to study an additional text according to the indications listed in the 'reference texts'.

Voto Finale

The course has three main training objectives:
- to illustrate the essential concepts of the geographical disciplines, the models of representation and the interpretative tools necessary to represent and decode the complex interactions between the natural envi-ronment and the anthropic contexts in their socio-cultural, political and economic dimensions;
- contextualise in time and space the methodologies and themes of geographical research, paying particu-lar attention to current events and the transcalar (local/global) perspective.
- to deepen the geography of power with specific interest in socio-economic inequalities and violence (practices and representations) also mafia.
Expected learning outcomes include:
- Refining individual geographical perceptions and sensitivities.
- Knowledge and contextualization of the main territorial dynamics of a political, economic and socio-cultural nature, on a global and local scale.
- Knowledge and contextualisation of the main statistical data of a political, economic and socio-cultural nature, on a global and local scale.
- Ability to detect and analyse territorialisation processes at different geographical scales
- Ability to critically interpret widespread geographical representations and narratives.
- Ability to critically understand and contextualize data and dynamics of criminal phenomena.

In the general part (40 hours) the course covers the following topics:
- Geography as representation and narration (historiography and cartography);
- The lived space: the landscape, the region, the territory and territorialization;
- The space experienced, perceived and represented: places, identity and meta-geographies;
- The scale and transcalarity: practices and processes of diffusion and concentration;
- Socio-cultural systems (languages, religions, ethnic groups) and political systems (authoritarian and democratic).
- The sectors of the economy, communication networks and production, exchange and consumption sys-tems
- The urban and regional systems: from the village of Bizzozero to the global metropolis of Milan
In the monographic part (16 hours) the course deals with the following topics:
- The geography of power;
- Crime, inequalities and globalisation (mafia and corrupt systems).
- Representations of violence and crime;
- Criminal and mafia systems and networks in Italy and Lombardy.
The course includes two field excursions that presuppose the direct involvement of students (individual and group) in the organisational, implementation and final stages.
- The local dimension (e.g. "Geopolitics of Bizzozero")
- The global dimension (e.g. "Geo-graphies of the Fuorisalone")

In the general part (40 hours) the course covers the following topics:
- Geography as representation and narration (historiography and cartography);
- The lived space: the landscape, the region, the territory and territorialization;
- The space experienced, perceived and represented: places, identity and meta-geographies;
- The scale and transcalarity: practices and processes of diffusion and concentration;
- Socio-cultural systems (languages, religions, ethnic groups) and political systems (authoritarian and democratic).
- The sectors of the economy, communication networks and production, exchange and consumption sys-tems
- The urban and regional systems: from the village of Bizzozero to the global metropolis of Milan
In the monographic part (16 hours) the course deals with the following topics:
- The geography of power;
- Crime, inequalities and globalisation (mafia and corrupt systems).
- Representations of violence and crime;
- Criminal and mafia systems and networks in Italy and Lombardy.
The course includes two field excursions that presuppose the direct involvement of students (individual and group) in the organisational, implementation and final stages.
- The local dimension (e.g. "Geopolitics of Bizzozero")
- The global dimension (e.g. "Geo-graphies of the Fuorisalone")

Passing the exam requires the study of two books, a manual and a monograph, chosen from those listed below. Both manuals and monographic readings are available for loan in the university library. For the manuals, the latest edition is not indispensable (however, it is preferable, especially if the book is pur-chased). For monographs the choice can be extended with those recommended during the course.
- Greiner A., Dematteis G., Lanza C., 2019, Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, terza edizione a cu-ra di Vanolo A., Utet, Torino.
- Bjelland M.D. Montello D.R., Getis A., 2020, Geografia umana, quarta edizione a cura di Squarcina E., Pecorelli V., McGraw-Hill Education (Italy), Milano.
- Amato F., dell'Agnese E., 2014, Schermi americani. Geografia e geopolitica degli Stati Uniti nelle serie tele-visive, Unicopli, Milano.
- dell’Agnese E., 2009, Paesaggi ed eroi. Cinema, Nazione, Geopolitica, UTET, Torino.
- dalla Chiesa, N., 2016, Passaggio a nord. La colonizzazione mafiosa, Ed. Gruppo Abele, Torino.
- Sales I., 2015, Storia dell’Italia mafiosa, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli.

Monograph to replace a field trip:
Rabbiosi C., 2018, Il territorio messo in scena, Mimesis, Sesto San Giovanni.
Monograph replacing two field trips (alternatively):
Schlogel K., 2009, Leggere il tempo nello spazio. Saggi di storia e geopolitica. Bruno Mondadori.
Fremont A., 2005, Vi piace la geografia? Carocci, Milano.


The course takes place in frontal lessons. In parallel to the study of the manuals, the course activities in-clude the sharing of films and documentaries, the joint analysis of multimedia material (photos, images, audio, video, scientific and popular articles, maps) and the consultation of websites and blogs, in order to promote the count-disclosure of scientific notions in everyday life.
The course includes two field trips (organised and guided, 8 hours each) as part of the examination pro-gramme and subject to final evaluation. The excursions include a formal restitution, in the form of a personal or group paper, which will be taken into account in the final examination.

The teacher receives students before and after class and by appointment by e-mail.
