Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in History and Stories of the Contemporary World
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours)

It is recommended the frequency of the "Precorso di Filosofia" foreseen in the period September 14, 2020-25 September 2020.
The timetable of the course will be visible on the Storia e storie del mondo contemporaneo official website.

Final Examination: 

How learning is verified
The only oral final test is planned, during which the following will be evaluated:
- the ability to properly understand the reading of a text;
- adequate knowledge of examination texts;
- the ability to develop one's own independent critical reflection.
During the interview, the acquisition and correct understanding of the contents of the texts to be studied in full will be ascertained. On the contents of the examination texts, two specific questions will be asked which will cover the assessment of the ability of interdisciplinary critical analysis and autonomy of judgment.
You will also need to know the topics in your text of your choice (at least one question). The final vote will take into account the accuracy and quality of the responses (70%), as well as the communication skills shown during the interview (10%) and the ability to adequately justify claims, analyses and judgments (20%).

Voto Finale

training goals
The course aims to define and analyze philosophical reflection with an integrated, historical, philosophical and narrative approach to contemporary, able to deal with, with adequate critical capacity, philosophical themes. For this reason, the course aims to provide the main methodological tools useful for understanding the specific cultural context of the 20th century, fostering a plurality of hermeneutic approaches that, especially in the contemporary age, have philosophical reflection. A special attention will be given to the critical analysis of the texts with the aim of grasping the essential lines, as well as the development of the different conceptual forms and the explicitness of the different categories and the examination of the language used Author taken into account
Through a direct relationship with the sources (in all its formats) a critical understanding of the texts taken into account is favoured in the learner, favoring a historical and conceptual deepening in comparative and interdisciplinary form as a tool conceptual understanding of the qualifying changes of the contemporary world. This promotes a hermeneutic approach that can adopt forms of analysis and critical skills specific to contemporary philosophical reflection

Learning outcomes include
• Knowledge of the conceptual notion of crisis
• The ability to read a text critically, inserting it within its precise theoretical context
• Ability to explain the different traditions of thought present within a given theoretical proposal
• Ability to grasp the open problems of the texts studied
• The ability to apply the acquired knowledge independently, in order to initiate a self-contained critical reflection on the open problems of the contemporary

The course will cover the theme of The Problem of the Crisis in the Reflection of Antonio Banfi and Edmund Husserl and will analyze specifically the following topics: the notion of crisis developed by Banfi in the first decades of the twentieth century (in connection with the First World War and, then, with the crisis of the 1930s in Italy); the phenomenological philosophy in the approach outlined by its founder Edmund Husserl; the crisis of the European sciences according to the Husserlian reflection; the contribution of phenomenology to a historical-critical study of the notion of "crisis", values and limits of the phenomenological approach; the need to develop critical European rationalism to reflect appropriately on our time and the 21st century; the scenario of the 21st century and its underlying problems from a historical and philosophical perspective.

Reference texts

Mandatory reference texts:
- A. Banfi, La crisi. Prefazione di Carlo Bo, Postfazioni di Fabio Minazzi e Fulvio Papi, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2013 (o qualunque altra edizione come quella apparsa precedentemente nel 1967 presso Vanni Scheiwiller di Milano)
- E. Husserl, La crisi delle scienze europeee e la fenomenologia trascendentale. Introduzione alla filosofia fenomenologica trad. it. di Enrico Filippini, il Saggiatore, Milano 1968 (con innumerevoli ristampe)
- Yuval Noah Harari, 21 lezioni per il XXI secolo, trad. it. di Marco Piani, Bompiani, Milano 2018 (riedita nel 2020)

A book of choice among the following:
Paolo Bucci, La “Crisi delle scienze europee” di Husserl, Carocci Editore, Roma 2013
- Vincenzo Costa, Husserl, Carocci Editore, Roma 2009
- Francesco Saverio Trincia, Guida alla lettura della “Crisi delle scienze europee” di Husserl, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 2012
- Mohammad Shafiel and Ahti Veikko Pietarinen, editors, Peirce and Husserl: Mutual Insights on Logic, Mathematics and Cognition, Springer, Berlin 2019
- E. Husserl, La fenomenolgia trascendentale, a cura di Alfredo Marini, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2020
- E. Husserl, Introduzione alla logica e alla teoria della consocenza, a cura di Federica Buongiorno, Scolé-Editrice Morcelliana, Brescia 2019
- Edmund Husserl – Martin Heidegger, Fenomenologia, a cura di Renato Cristin, Unicopli, Milano 2002
- Jacques Derrida, La fenomenologia e la chiusura della metafisica. Introduzione al pensiero di Husserl, a cura di Vittorio Perego, Postfazione di Vincenzo Costa, Editrice La Scuola, Brescia 2016
- Enzo Raggiunti, Introduzione ad Husserl, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1970 (con molteplici ristampe)
- Roberta De Monticelli, Il dono dei vincoli: per leggere Husserl, Garzanti, Milano 2018
- Vincenzo Costa, Elio Franzini & Paolo Spinicci, La Fenomenologia, Einaudi, Torino 2002
- Carlo Sini, Introduzione alla fenomenologia, Lampugnani Nigri, Milano 1965, riedito da Shake, Milano 2012


The training objectives of the course will be achieved through the way of the frontal lessons (for a total of 30 hours), which involve the analytical and collective discussion of the texts taken in direct reference (indicatively for 34 hours).
