- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Core prerequisite is the knowledge of the English language equal or superior to the B1 level defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. During the course, it will be paid particular attention to any specific need of grammatical and/or terminological review and students will have the possibility to receive online indications for autonomous exercises and integrative readings.
The exam is in written form. In accordance with the new Guide Lines of the University of May 2020 and successive updates thereof, the exam is currently based on a computer quiz on the legal matters studied during the course, including for example matching and gap-filling exercises, true or false exercises, multiple choice questions, as well as the translation of specific expressions of Legalese and plain English. During the exam, students are allowed to use paper monolingual and bilingual dictionaries only. Students are not allowed to use online vocabularies, databases or notes and books of Legal English.
In the latest lessons students will be asked to do exercises, reviews and simulations on the most relevant themes analyzed.
Duration of the exam: 120 minutes
Grades: thirtieth (__/30) for A18 and A19 Students. “Idoneo” or “Non idoneo” for A21 Students.
The aim of the course is to develop appropriate strategies regarding communication in Legal English, with a special focus on negotiations, contracts, power of attorneys, agency contracts and proxies, alternative dispute resolutions, communication and consultancy services, in order to develop adequate language skills and legal terminology. The course analyses the most relevant lexical, grammatical and stylistic aspects of Legal English to use in formal and informal contexts and examines the typical features and differences of the so-called Plain English and Legalese. During the course, students will read, translate and examine several legal texts, which include the typical vocabulary adopted in private law, in commercial and company law, in international contracts, in claim forms, in privacy field, in non-disclosure agreements, in the protection of copyright and intellectual property rights.
The course includes in-depth studies on case-law texts and on the legal glossary of the European Union, constant comparisons between British and American English and between the legislative and judicial system in Common Law countries and Civil Law countries, as well as the use of online vocabularies, databases, web corpora and legal websites.
The first part of the course will be dedicated to a review of the most relevant grammatical structures of English language and of the most frequent lexical categories. Particular attention will be paid to the use of modal and prepositional verbs, to the so-called false friends, to passive sentences and to the typical legal expressions and words. The practical exercises will include numerous comparisons between plain English and Legalese and between British English and American English. During the second part of the course, these lessons will be integrated with the analysis of different texts adopted in legal and commercial communication, contracts, arbitration clauses, claim forms, powers of attorney etc.. The lessons will be also integrated with studies concerning the differences between the legislative and the judicial systems of Common Law and Civil Law countries and with the analysis of the English Legal terminology adopted at European Union level.
The course is based on the book quoted below. Students with registration code A21 have the possibility to do additional personal reading and comprehension exercises before the date of the exam chosen. In this case, Students can contact Mrs. Roberta Bogni by e-mail and ask for a copy of all the exercises distributed during the course and included in the program for A18 students. This material shall be considered as integrative and optional by A21 Students and is not included in their exam program.
For A18 and A19 students:
G. Di Renzo Villata (edited by), in collaboration with R. Buzzi, G. Cadel, A. Grasso, Legal English, Padova, Cedam, ed. 2017 (from Unit 1 to Unit 10 included).
For A21 students:
G. Di Renzo Villata (edited by), in collaboration with R. Buzzi, G. Cadel, A. Grasso, Legal English, Padova, Cedam, ed. 2017 (from Unit 1 to Unit 4 included).
Recommended dictionaries:
S. De Palma (edited by), in collaboration with A. Grasso and J. Schorah, Dizionario di Inglese Giuridico, Bologna, Filodiritto Editore.
G. Villa (edited by), Dizionario esplicativo di inglese giuridico, Milan, Giuffrè Editore.
F. De Franchis (edited by), Dizionario giuridico – Law dictionary, 2 – Italiano/Inglese e Inglese/Italiano, Milano, Giuffrè, latest edition.
The course will take place from February to the end of May 2021 (35 hours). During the lessons, the grammatical and lexical analysis will be integrated with numerous practical exercises and readings, translations and comprehension tests.
Students can meet online the Professor at the end of her lessons by prior appointment requested by e-mail: