For understanding and comprehending the topics covered during the course, basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and general pathology and nursing (topics covered during the first year of study) are useful. There are no constraining prerequisites for this integrated course
The learning verification consists of an oral test. Students will be asked both wide-ranging and more specific questions regarding the topics covered in the three modules of the integrated course.
The objective of the exam is to verify the degree of achievement of the educational objectives indicated above, assessing the level of knowledge, critical in-depth analysis of the topics addressed and the ability to apply them to individual pathologies, drug treatment and current hygiene and health standards.
In the course of the test evaluation Teachers will also take into account the student's ability to articulate the speech with clarity, precision, relevance and language properties.
A positive outcome of the oral tests in each of the three modules is mandatory to pass the exam (mark to pass: 18 thirtieths). The final evaluation will be the average of the evaluations of the three tests, provided that all are sufficient. The mark is expressed in thirtieths.
The integrated course of HYGIENE INTERNAL MEDICINE AND PHARMACOLOGY takes place in the first semester of the second year and is inclusive of the following teachings:
- PHARMACOLOGY - credits 1
The educational objectives of the teaching are to provide students with the pathophysiological bases, symptoms, diagnosis of the main human pathologies in the internal medicine field. In addition, lectures are provided on specific classes of drugs and on their use in healthy subjects, in adult and pediatric patients, also in relation to specific pathologies faced in the course of Internal Medicine. The course also provides students with information on hygiene, epidemiology, prevention and public health.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- know the basic principles relating to epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, risk factors, clinical presentations, diagnostic-decision-making and therapeutic paths typical of the main pathological frameworks of Internal Medicine;
-recognize the main pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics and the toxicity mechanisms of specific classes of drugs for their correct management and use in intra and extra-hospital settings;
-recognize the risk factors for the spread of communicable and non-communicable diseases
- identify the most suitable preventive interventions on the population and in the welfare structures.
Credits: 2
Credits: 1
Credits: 2